Free speech is an individual right

Okay so here is a topic I want to hear opinions on. Let me start, I agree with the statement because I believe it is everybody’s right to say what they want, whether they will get judged or not.



Agree! Only if it’s hate speech here should it silenced, in my opinion. You have the right to say whatever you want to say, no matter how controversial.


I’m a big believer of ‘Your rights end where another persons’ rights begin’. The whole ‘not shouting ‘Fire!’ in a movie theatre’ mentality.

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I believe in free speech to an extent.

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Everyone has the right to Free Speech, this is not the Right of Free Platform, nor the Right of Freedom of consequence.

If you wish to exercise your freedom of speech you must be prepared for whatever consequence that comes with it.


Free speech is free speech and everyone should have a right to exercise it.

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I don’t think that free speech should be all-encompassing, but I do think that protecting general freedom of speech is important

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Yes, everyone has their own right to state their opinion, if you disagree with them speak in a nice matter but don’t be rude. There is A difference between freedom of speech and stating your opinion then just being straight up rude and ignorant Karen always t hink about what your saying and don’t directly try hurt people, it can seriously damage people, it doesn’t matter what they have done, your not helping the situation at all by being rude

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I believe free speech is anybody’s right and that it should be respected; however, one should know of their limits. It is a right, not a tool to step on others’ dignity and own freedom. It shouldn’t be abused and overdone just to force your opinions unto others. People should not take it for granted, because if they do foolish things with it, consequences are that they might actually even lose it.


I was born with no freedom of speech, so I find this topic very… Loaded :expressionless: On one hand, I can confirm that freedom of speech is an individual right - because that right was violated in case of my family (and, albeit very shortly, me).

On the other, I find that a lot of people misunderstand, mistake and trivialise freedom of speech as freedom from responsibility. Freedom of speech is not freedom to say whatever you want, whenever you want, however you want and to whoever you want, with no fear of the consequences.

Freedom of speech is your freedom to have your personal opinion, to agree or disagree with what you (don’t) believe in. It’s freedom from fear of retribution should anyone discover you beg to differ. It’s your individual right to believe in what you find right, without being punished for believing in it. It’s your right to raise topics you find important, talking about them and expressing your point of view.

Freedom of speech is not a right to believe your point of view is inherently superior. It’s not a right to convert, manipulate or intimidate others to follow your world-view. It is not a right to preach instead of conversing, or to coerce instead of persuading. Most of all: It is not your right to put your beliefs into action, even through words. Your actions are your responsibility - and while expressing you believe in something is speech, pursuing these beliefs is not.


Best response so far


Haha, thanks

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