Funny Thread for crazy people

Since we got ranting and positivity thread, let’s have a funny thread where we can all talk about something funny.

My cat really likes the rain and I have no clue why. Usually cats hate rain but my cat loves it. He’s one swell panther :joy:


My rabbit hates vsco :rofl: coz when i say ‘sksksksksk’ he gets scared and runs away


My best friend says that I’m a duck :eyes::sparkles::joy:


Wouldn’t everyone be scared if you said that out loud? :eyes::sparkles::joy:


Aww bless him! What’s your rabbit’s name and what colour is he?


His name is Tommy and he is white


…well now that you mention it :rofl:

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Aww do you have a picture of him?


My dad and brother were playing catch with a small bouncy ball (the ones that bounce everywhere) in the kitchen. My brother threw it at one point and it landed in the cooking pot :joy: My mom had to throw the food out

It almost nearly landed in my lunch a few minutes later, but my brother stopped it :joy:

My dad thought he saw me kissing with a guy and he was ready to go up to us and give me a lesson aka murder me lmao, when he approached them he realised that it’s not me and some random girl. :joy::rofl:


Reminds me of that scene from a film called Bend It Like Beckham.

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I am obsessed with Japanese city pop.

I must have the groove. I need the funk!!

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Donnie just started dancing to this music

This is so funny!! :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Who remembers this meme?



I’m addicted to vitamin gummies and I should be on My Strange Addiction!!

Today at my appointment with the psychiatrist, I died with laughter when he described me as a “white girl being trapped in a Bangladeshi culture” :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Hahah he’s funny :joy::joy::joy::joy: he also mentioned that he has a black cat. Basically the session yesterday wasn’t miserable like the other ones. I even mentioned about my hatred for hojabies (Muslim women who wear the hijab that think that they’re better than the girls who don’t wear them but they do things that is clearly against Islam).

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I like him. :joy:

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LOL it was funny when he brought that up because I mentioned about my revenge fantasies I get.

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