Game Rage! It's a true sight to see!

Lol yes, so true! It’s funny afterwards.

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Yeah, it is. It’s funny during too, depending on the game.

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my little brother game rages a lot, but it gets to the point where he is literally destroying the device he’s using. that scares me.

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Lol yes!

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That is scary maybe he needs to have a convo with about it being a game and not something life-changing.

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that’s what my mom always tells him, but he never listens :roll_eyes:.

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Lol boys…so destructible sometimes.

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Give him minecraft and make him olay in creative mode so then he’ll not rage


ugh, he’s raging right now and i want to punch him in the face.

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Wait until he hits you first, then punch him


Oh boy, one way to stop his raging is to get your phone out and record him raging. Then use against him. I’m in a very conniving mood for some reason.


That’ll make the situation worse in my house, my sister will probs start punching me and throw my phone


you sound like you have a violent sister.

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I have 2 violent sisters, the younger one is a lot bigger then me and hits me alot and she’s Gotton suspended 3 times this year for violence

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oh god :skull:

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The older one is worse

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Hello, I’m @Pandamonium… and I’m a rageaholic.

My worst rageaholic moment:

Years ago, I was playing Street Fighter with a friend. He chose Blanka—

And I chose E. Honda—

Obviously Blanka is capable of generating electricity, right? Well, this dude decided to use Blanka’s electrical shock power— over, and over, and over again! I couldn’t lay a hand on him without getting fried. Plus, he would back me into a corner, so that I purposely could not move, and just shock me. :expressionless: I got so upset (another friend actually had to tell me to calm down), but no, I did not quit! I forgot who ultimately won, but I remember having a blister on my thumb the next day from gaming so hard lol.

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Eh probably, it was a pleasant thought though. You have scary siblings.

Lol sounds like certain incidents where I was dealing with similar circumstances.

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