Game Rage! It's a true sight to see!

Game rage is just like road rage. It’s going to happen no matter what you play. Though to be honest it’s more entertaining to watch then road rage. Every gamer has had some form of game rage even if it was a small annoyance to full-on rage mode. I have a game raged a few times but mine was mainly because I was being bothered by other players in an MMORPG when all I wanted to do was solo play. Kind of told someone to eff off because they wouldn’t leave me alone. It was on Star Wars: The Old Republic online game. Grant it, the guy was also being pervert at the time since he found out I was a girl. Another reason, why I play solo most times.

The one other reason I actually went into a game rage was when I was playing Halo. I was twelve years old when it happened. I got mad because I couldn’t get past a certain level which really annoyed me at the time. I didn’t play the game for a whole month because I got so frustrated with it. I have seen many people game rage on multiple times mainly my cousins. Oh geez, my second oldest cousin would get so mad when he failed a level. He was kind of pretentious back then still is even now. When he would play with his brother and his brother messed up the mission they would get into so many fights. They let us play for a little bit but they mostly played since we weren’t use to playing with the PlayStation controllers. It was on PlayStation which I think they were playing Call of Duty and Grand Theft Auto at the time.

Here is a video I found about gamer ragers. It’s hilarious, sorry for the cussing in the video but its game raging it’s going to happen. The second one is funny.

So have you ever game raged? If yes, why did you game rage? If not, have you seen anyone game rage before?



If I game rage it would probably be because of the connection or something along these lines.


Yep, I can relate to that too.


In, I was playing team mode and got really mad when a member of my team betrayed me. :angry::rose::two_hearts:

Another time, in this game called, this one person wouldn’t leave me alone and kept following me. It was extremely annoying :neutral_face::rose::two_hearts:


Yeah, I know that feeling well. That’s why I refrain from working in groups most times. That happens to me on Wizard101, since it’s a family oriented game there are children playing it. So I would have a couple of kids follow me or ask me to help multiple times. It got annoying quickly.

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Gta v or Minecraft

Gta v people like to take the mick when it comes to you just driving around not bothering anyone.

Minecraft I get fed up of I get killed by the mobs to many times in a row

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Oh geez, I’ve heard of so many gta game rages. I don’t play minecraft it’s not my cup of tea.

I have recently started playing it. Some of the game modes are okay. I like the creative freedom you can have. The dying I don’t like.

I see alot of gta rages


Yeah, that reminds me of when I’m playing Wizard101 dungeon and I keep getting taken out because the end boss is the same class as my wizard. Got so mad during the Waterworks dungeon because of that and also all the bosses had these stupid cheats that made the dungeon longer and more annoying to play. Note, if you are the same class as your opponents it’s 10 times harder to beat them depending on their level in that game. There is a reason my balance wizard hasn’t capped out yet. I never got the final piece of the armor that I meant to get from that dungeon because I just couldn’t do it again.

Fighting games are what make me rage. It’s either due to the connection or me just having a bad day. For example if something bad was to happen in my life I would hop on the game to distract myself from it but than get completely demolish in a game. It could be good cause then I would let my anger out on the game rather than does around me.

Another case is me just losing. When I start losing in a single game and continue losing, it’s not fine nomore and I usually hop on another game or just watch YouTube.

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I get that. That’s what I do when I keep losing too. It depends on the game for me though.

Splatoon and game rage go hand in hand :sweat_smile:
Nintendo’s servers in the first game were so flimsy. You lost points for disconnecting which could lead to you losing your rank. You could have like 4+ disconnected matches in a row and end up going from S back A+ (which happened to me a few times). Another annoying thing is when someone on your team disconnected and your team had 3 players whilst the other had 4. Splatoon is very dependent on the 4v4 structure so if you lose a team member you’ve basically lost the match already!

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We actually got my bother a shirt that said “sorry for what I said while gaming” because he’d be upstairs in his room gaming with his friends and we’d hear him yelling from the living room. It also doesn’t help that he has a deep voice, so it resonates through the walls.

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Oh no, I hate the team oriented games. Wizard101 has this teaming up section for dungeons where you help other players. I’ve had times where I join a team and it might be a couple of people and leave the team then you are stuck in a dungeon that could take you two hours to complete if you do it alone. People are jerks on that game sometimes. I hate it when it on the street fights and they run into your duel path bringing in another foe to duel then leave the fight by teleporting. I’ve had this happen too many times.

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Lol that is actually funny! What was his reaction to the shirt?

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He thought it was pretty funny. He still wears it.

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HAHAHAHA! I always found this funny when people rage out at a game. I love watching people action, adventure, or driving-type video games. Though when I was then forced to have a go at a racing game myself, I started to rage and even used a great number of expletives. Ha.

What about you, @Gamers?


Lol it never fails to happen! Yeah, I’ve raged before too.

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I know, right. It’s just about getting way too into the game. HA

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