Gender-neutral question

So last night while I was sleeping, I had a random thought in my head. So, you know the nouns king and queen? They’re titles for a ruler of a kingdom. But what if your pronouns are they/them or ze/zir? If you were to run a kingdom (or if you randomly give yourself a title), what would the title be then? Just ruler, or something else?



Added some tags!

Also, in addition to ruler, there’s also monarch


Happy birthday!!!


aside from monarch there’s also liege!

that said, someone can use gender neutral pronouns and still be partial to gendered terms like King / Queen, it’s really up to what the person vibes with


Hmm, I like the sound of liege! That could work for anyone! And you’re right about that.

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I saw somewhere that some use royalties to describe non binary

So like kings, queens and royalties

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Added gender tag