General Chat for all Students

I’m going to one of the colleges I applied to.


That’s awesome! Congrats!

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Hehe thanks
If I don’t get into NYU Idk what I’d do :grinning: so um LMAO hope that for me too :sunglasses:

OOH CANADA stay with me

I think you are good at it, I mean, I wouldn’t know 'cause I’ve seen none of your movies but I think you are really good at it. I mean, there is no way you could make four and majorly suck or something >.>


Another reason why I should go there!

I’m sure you will get into this university! They would be stupid not to accept you. And even if you won’t (tho, I don’t think that would happen), there are plenty of other awesome schools!

Haha, thank you! I’m going to start a youtube channel soon, so maybe you will be able to see them! But, there are only 3-10 minutes long.


The SAT got cancelled…again :neutral_face:




Omg yes please :pleading_face::sneezing_face:

Thank you :sneezing_face::sneezing_face: yes there are awesome schools you are right I should stop putting all of my hopes, dreams and will to live eggs in one basket




Oh, you can do that! There’s nothing bad about having a dream school but having a plan b can be useful. I hope you won’t need a plan b, tho!



I have so much homework :sob:


shouldn’t you be asleep right now? :pleading_face:


it’s only like 12:47 :eyes:

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Online class sucks.

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Once upon a time I also had a dream of studying in NYU BUT the Sat and competition and limited scholarship provided make me change my decision tho at first I aimed for ivy league especially Cornell but ig I’ll not be able to make up to top 1%


Lol I literally try to pay as much attention I could in in online live class but nothing works

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Idk why but this is one of my fav thread so far thanks for being so thoughtful and understanding our fellow student’s pain

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Because I like messing with things I shouldn’t be messing with :sunglasses:
The brain is super cool though and I want to help with brain research and surgries tho.
I only recognized NYU
THOSE SOUND AMAZING after looking up the other two I’m sure you’ll choose the best option for either one. You totally have the capability to go into anywhere you chose.
Haha, yeah. I think the reccomendation is 3 easy, 3 medium and 3 stretch.

:open_mouth: So I’m going to see you on TV and inthe papers??! omg yes Queen :star_struck:

:laughing: If it wasn’t for my mom I’d be a hermit just guessing what to do for college.

She’s an alumni for a really good college tho, so if all else fails, legacy student status will really help me.

A good amount, my school is medium/large. I think we have around … 3k students… I would guess maybe around 500 applied. My grades were around that acceptable range so I’m hoping I got a chance. I think I do. Positive manifestation

She sounds amazing and lol I understand that. I went to Christian school but I transferred because it had a slower education and it was wayyy too expensive for that :joy: You’re mainly paying for the community of religious schools. My current school is pretty chill with LGBT+ stuff (affirming too) we have a club and everything. I know for a fact tho my old school wouldn’t have been cool with that (mainly because of the drama it would cause) so I’m happy your teacher is finding ways to support the community in small ways!!

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Yes plan b
My plan b is ryerson but apparently that is competitive too :full_moon_with_face:


wha whas dat supposed to mean :sneezing_face::sneezing_face: idk if you’re tryna tell me it isn’t worth it or something lwiefneirnofkjd

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Aww thank you, you too!

I recall that!! i’m sure you can make it, especially with the obvious passion you have for it.

HAHA, no prob~! I’m glad you like it <3

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Idk if I’d like my doctor to have that motivation but noice :sunglasses:
Ooooh I see I see, I agree it is very cool. Very delicate thing the brain
:joy::joy: 'cause you’re american lmao university of amsterdam is in, well, amsterdam and ryerson is in toronto
ewncwlilac wow big compliment thank you :pleading_face: hope you’re right 'cause the alternative is not great :sneezing_face:
I have to write NINE college essays :triumph: for three ones I don’t want to go tOO SMH wtffffffff okokokokok damn everything

hehe <3


Yes :sparkles: positive manifestation :sparkles: you got this an knee I believe in ya
And you can always try again next year even if you don’t, and since your grades are really good this time around I’ll bet they’ll be very high in time for the next time

Oof we get free public and catholic education here lmao because of history things that I don’t feel like explaining :joy: Luckyy, we just got some students trying to make an lgbt+ club right before covid hit so idk how that went. A lot of people in my school are cool with that thing, teachers and students, but it’s a district rule not to hang pride flags so :woman_shrugging:t5: She’s not even my teacher I wish she was my teacher :sneezing_face: Maybe I’ll get her for English this time around that’d be soo sweet

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:shushing_face: If anyone asks, it was a childhood dream
Yes it is. I found out that a single tumor removal surgery could take up to 6 hours at least. So you gotta be really careful so you don’t mess something up.
Oooh, Toronto :0 and Amsterdam those would be two very cool places
We don’t think about the alternative because there is no alternative :sneezing_face: You got this, I believe in you 100%
:joy: Just a reccomendation haha, you should do what feels right for you!! meanwhile I’ll be applying to colleges all over the world because I’m extra like that :sparkles:

I’m a blessed child :3
very spoiled too
But legacy students hold weight at a bunch of colleges whether or not alumni (at least for the US) so if you’re interested in a college your parents went to you could check one out and see if it’s worth applying.

Why thank you! And That’s a new one :joy: I like it
Ahh, that’s true! You give me so much hope :sparkles: Thank you

lkdjslks I want to move to Canada so bad :sob: Oof, history, messy buisness :joy: Oooh :eyes: I hope that went good. I hate my district oof lol, they’ll be like ‘One inch of snow don’t come, it’s so dangerous, lets waste time and schools days’ then turn around like: ‘it’s so safe, come back everyone, don’t worry about the pandemic, in a school of 3k kids you’ll be so safe :hugs:’ HAHA, I felt that! I get nice teachers but I wish I had some specific ones. Ooh, fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:

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