General Questions for RP hosts of all kinds

This is just a question I had and I’m sure others had as well… But when is it appropriate to take over a RP? Now before you came at me with “oh you shouldn’t ever do that!” Hear me out! We’ve all been in a really good RP/SG that ether dies due to drama/lost of interest/hosts. I know I sure have. I’ve also hosted a few where I ended up just not caring for and I know I’m not the only one. So my question comes down to when is it appropriate for the RP to take over the RP sessions? Or do the players just watch it die?

I personally don’t want to take over the RP, I’m just generally curious

@RPLeaders @RPers


In my personal opinion, if its being ignored or the owners aren’t following what’s happening, then I see why not. Especially if the members are still interested in doing their storylines.

By that point the members are just wrapping up your storylines because the characters come first.


I think it would be worth it to message the owner to ask-- it would really suck if they had future plans that continuing without their leadership could hinder. But if the previous owner’s fine with it I don’t see why it would be an issue.


I think, in case the owner left the forum, it would be best to restart the rp and tweek some things so it’s not completely the same as the original but still possible for the users to switch and reuse their characters

If it’s due to drama, ask the previous owner.


Yeah, as duck and Meeke said, ALWAYS check with the owner(s) first. If they say it’s okay, cool. If they aren’t sure or say no, respect it. And if they have stipulations and want to just have help, then that great but maybe slow down and go at their pace.

Just whatever you do, wait for them to answer you. If they’ll M.I.A then wait for the RP to die, leave it two months (this is the allotted time here) and then you can redo the idea as your own.