I’m back into writing now! Only, I’m writing non-fiction rather than fiction.
Right now, I’m writing a book for English language arts students and creative writers who want to know more about creating characters in their texts. I’ve said this a million times, but I teach English language, literature and storytelling now. I thought I’d create a text that I could sell as an eBook which included all the techy stuff people don’t get to learn about how we create characters!
Found the motivation to write again. I currently have over 14k words, which I’m super proud of.
Please share your own progress in your writing! I’d love to be able to motivate one another!
Personally aside from uni work I’m about 6 draft chapters into my story which is nice! I’d love to write more.
With uni though, for creative writing I’ve done a play and a short story, this week I’ll be starting on one of my last assignments, a creative piece which explores identity!
It’s so amazing that you get to write so much for uni! Have you noticed improvements in your work over time? If so, is it from uni or just from writing lots?
The creative writing class is 3 hours a week of writing from prompts, then rewriting the draft using different techniques which we go over in class, I’ve been applying this to my own writing so the improvement in part has come from uni but also writing more keeps my brain in the ‘writing mode’ 
That’s great! Because some creative writing courses are crappy. They give you absolute rules like “show, don’t tell” or “get rid of your adverbs” and don’t allow any nuance in your work! It creates some strange results! That sounds amazing and much more freeing, though!
Still working on Deadly Nightshade. It’s actually grown a lot (more than halfway towards 1,000 reads, plus it hit #1 in the thriller genre a few weeks ago) and I’m on the 11th chapter right now. I’ve made a ton of changes to it.
As for uni writing, I’ve got an essay to do for one class that I have not finished yet. I actually do a lot less writing now… I expected to do more by my sophomore year. Strange!
Amazing! What are you writing it on? If it’s on Episode, I can’t read – otherwise I’d love to!
My lecturers have been great with that actually, they said there’s no one way to write a good story, they just said to give your story what it needs and read your work with others to see if it actually does work, they also give advice where needed but mostly they just introduce us to things we never really thought of doing before
I never thought I’d write a play.
It is on Episode but I plan to write a novel version someday. I’ll possibly release it on other websites. I’m looking into them.
Also planning to revive my fantasy/thriller WIP (on Google Docs) I was doing a few years ago. Gonna revamp that one.
That’s good! Imo, there’s only one absolute rule for writing: always have a reason for what you’re doing! If you’re using tell instead of show, as long as you have a reason, that’s fine
And if you’re free writing as we often do, it’s okay to go back and edit later, take what work for what you want and remove what doesn’t.
Yes! This isn’t a rule, but it’s more of an observation:
You can probably get rid of at least 10% more than you think you can
Another observation: Your story can start later than you think 
Tbh I hope you like this book
because it has so much stuff in it that I never thought of myself until I read about it! Like why we use metaphors and why we break rules! It’s super useful and not prescriptive at all! It might help!
Omg yes! Also one that I learnt from Hello Future Me: make the reader ask questions before you answer them. Otherwise you’re just shoving info down their throat that they didn’t want
I probably will find a lot of use for it, resources are always good!
Literally though 
Should we start a writing observations thread? It might be quite fun! lol!
That sounds like a great idea to me!
That’s great! I’m getting back into writing as well! I technically have one more scene to finish in my episode story before I move to the next one. I’m going to try to move DOBD over to Tales this month as well.
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I’m now recently getting back into creative writing. It’s been a while, mainly because I’ve been busy with school. I’ve gotten better at writing essays at least!
It’s difficult to write as well when you don’t think you can write something spectacular, or the idea in your head just isn’t good enough. When all you want is to write something. I just really want to put my ideas onto paper, but I cannot stand the thought of them missing anything or being terrible that I don’t write.
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