Glam it Up! Outfit Contest

Hey y’all! I’m going to be hosting the outfit contests from now on. Yesterday’s Episode art release was [Limelight] Glam it Up!, which gave us some gag-worthy gowns and suits!

As per usual, you have until Wednesday to join this competition. Your outfit must include at least 2 items from the new update, but you can use more if you want! You can only use one image, and use the outfits and the image to create a scene/story behind it.

The winner is decided by a community vote, and if they win, they receive a badge and bragging rights for a week. :grin: :rainbow: :unicorn:

Enjoy the contest, and happy designing! :rainbow: :unicorn:


I’m going to do this, especially since it relates to the chapter I’m currently writing. :sparkles: :sunflower: :coffee:


Just a reminder, you have until tomorrow to enter!!

Characters: Alisha, Brad, Naomi, and Emilianna
It’s Nora’s wedding, and she has chosen Emilianna (in yellow) as her maid-of-honor, while Alisha and Naomi are two of the selected bridesmaids. Brad is Naomi’s boyfriend. At the wedding reception, all bridesmaids and groomsmen are seated at the table when Alisha decides to ask Emilianna what she thinks about the music that has been selected at the wedding. Not one to hold back her opinions, Emilianna basically tells everyone that the music sucks and goes on to suggest what she would like. Brad disagrees, but not in a respectful way. This leads to some roasts, ad-hominem attacks against Emilianna, and some very personal remarks against her. At that moment, Emilianna realizes that these people were never her true friends, and now that she has matured, she wonders how she ever considered them friends in the first place.

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Bump, although today is Thursday.

Will the deadline be pushed or will a new outfit contest be announced?

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A new one will be announced tomorrow.

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By default, @anon80318563 wins!!


Thanks! Hopefully, more people will enter the next one. :sunflower: :sparkles:

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Yeah, I keep forgetting to use the announcements tag.

I’m in!

This is last week’s contest. Do you want me to tag you when I make this week’s?

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Lol, yes

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Closed due to inactivity :crying_cat_face::green_heart::eyes::sparkles: