"Go Fish", the card game

Has anyone ever played this?

Basically, you get six cards and you have to ask one of the players if they have a certain card. If they do, they have to give you all their cards of that type. If not, they tell you to ‘Go Fish’, or draw a card from the deck. Once you have all four cards of the same type, you have to lay them on the table. The person with the most sets of four wins the game.

The trick is that you have to remember what other people asked for. That’s how you know that they have at least one of those cards. If someone asked another person in the group to give them all their Kings, and that person gave them one King, then you know that they have at least two King cards… because you can’t ask for a card you don’t have. So if you have one King and you ask that person to give you all their Kings, then you’ll have at least three.

I played this game not too long ago with some of my neighbors. The more players in the game, the more fun it is.

Have you ever played this game?
If so, did you win?
Do you like card games?


I’ve played it but I never found it to be very fun to play. :laughing:

I think I’ve won and lost that game.

Yeah! :heart_eyes::partying_face:

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And Yes.


This was definitely one of my favourite games as a kid, though I don’t think I was any good at it.


I was better at Rummy than Go-Fish.

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I can’t say I’ve ever played, to be honest.

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It’s fun, and I’m too lazy to explain it rn.

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HAHAHA! Fair enough.

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I definitely have played this game before


Yes, they’re a lot of fun :sunglasses:

I’ve played this game, but it was a pretty long time ago, so I don’t remember much.

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Added card games tag :sparkles:

I think I’ve played this game before…

It’s been a year since the last time I played this game!

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