Go-to Summer Hairstyle

There’s no shortage of cute summer hairstyles out there but it’s easy to become fond of one particular style. What’s your go-to summer hairstyle?



I have short hair, so mostly I leave it the way it is, but sometimes I put it up in a little ponytail

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I don’t have a specific hairstyle for summer.

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I usually have my hair up in a messy bun because my country is literal hell during summer

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High ponytail most of the time, sometimes a low ponytail, and sometimes a bun.

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I do that also

But recently I’ve decided to grow it out so I put a small section of the front up



Yes, I agree. 'Cause it keeps long hair off ya neck.

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Ikkkk and it’s so cute and trendy!!

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Yes, trendy and yet, I did this when I was about 8 or 9.

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I guess trends do come back around! Claw clips are so handy!

i do this one alll the time

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That’s gorgeous!

I’ve found this hairstyle that’s like a victorian/old way of doing hair. I think it’s called Elizabethan hair taping or something. It’s with ribbon instead of hair ties and it does stay up! I was looking for something secure that could stay up while I work. I’m not completely sure about the one I’m going for so I hope it stays but I don’t have nice bun stuff and when I did put my hair into a bun it just fell out.

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