Good, Bad, Worse

Original thread by @stronglcve on the Episode forums

Good, Bad, Worse

Hello! :wave::rose::two_hearts:

This game is a like a super short story. First, someone writes a sentence for good. The next person writes a sentence for bad, and the person after that will write a sentence for worse. Then the cycle repeats! I’ve included an example below. :smiley::rose::two_hearts:

~ Example ~

@One β€” Good: Your parents bought you an iPad!
@Two β€” Bad: You drop it by accident and it breaks.
@Three β€” Worse: Your parents never buy you anything again.

I’ll start! :rose::two_hearts:

Good: You got an A on an exam! :rose::two_hearts:


Bad: And your parents buy you ice cream but you drop it.


Worse: And then you fall face first in the puddle of ice cream

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Good: You got a new pet goldfish!

Bad: Then it dies

Worse: The toilet clogs when you try to flush it away.

Good: Your mom calls a plumber

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Bad: The plumber has toilet paper stuck to his shoes.

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Worse: The toilet paper isn’t clean…


Good: You’re going on a roller coaster!

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Bad: You feel sick

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Worse: There have been 3 unreported deaths and injuries on that very ride you sit on.

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Good: The ride is shut down

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Bad: There was a super long line, and the people in front have waited 23 hours to get on.

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Worse: The whole amusement park gets shut down because apparently all the rides are unsafe

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Good: All the food stands are still up and running!

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Bad: There are bugs all over the food :nauseated_face:

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Worse: All employees have stuck their filthy hands in the food and spit bugs in them. :nauseated_face:

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Good: You go home and order pizza!

Bad: Your order gets messed up. :rose::two_hearts:

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