Growing Your Own Food?

Have you ever tried growing your own food?
I have tried, very sadly. I think the plant died in a week.
I’m not much of a garden person. My mom is, though. Every summer she spends hours and hours outside digging up dirt and watering plants. The best thing I can do is a cactus-


Okay, don’t worry, Carl the Cactus was watered.
What do you guys think, have you/would you try growing your own food?

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yOu CaN gRoW sAnDwIcHeS?!

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Yeah I used to grow mostly vegetables, but then I stopped because I didn’t have time to do it anymore but I still do have a few seasonings that I grow naturally :blush:

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i do- or maybe the people that live with me do- but they somehow end up smaller than they’re supposed to be sksk- :joy:
they’re enough for a side dish :skull:

Thank God Comedy GIF by CBC

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Yes, yes you grow wheat, lettuce, tomatoes, and then bacon and it’s perfect. All homemade from garden.

On the sidelines are the only place vegetables belong.

Awww, lucky. I just have a black thumb.


Oh damn… and yes I’m so lucky because my mom (rest her soul) used to plant flowers and stuff like that from cuttings of other plants and they grew really nice like wow…
Anything she planted eventually grew with little effort haha :blush::brown_heart:

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yOu CaN gRoW iCe CrEaM?!

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yes, the cream and ice are seperately grown plants

Ohh, that’s so cool. The only people I know that can take cuttings from plants are sims-
sorry to hear about your mom, as well


I’ve never tried to but we did used to have a sage plant which we used for cooking :blush: maybe when I’m older I’ll grow some vegetables and give them away because I don’t eat those :joy:

We did grow our own food for a while, around two or three years, some vegetables. However, since I’m not the biggest fan of vegetables, it wasn’t worth the time and work anymore so we stopped :sweat_smile:

@Foodies Did any of you try to grow your own food?

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I actually have like 8 huge handmade planters with an irrigation system in my backyard lol. Safe to say I got the whole kit :joy: Last year I had like baby/cherry :tomato:, some spicy stuff :hot_pepper: and a special type of small :eggplant:. Meh it was our first year and we were pretty late to plant them but this year we’re thinking of growing more interesting stuff.

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We have loads of fruit in our garden. We even have the nicest figs.

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I successfully grew a garlic

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