Guess the Films!

Film twenty-two: Casablanca

  1. Since the film first premiered, there have been two short-lived TV series.
  2. It’s the most quotable film of all time.
  3. The release of the film was rushed because of real-life world events. Why? The publicity people moved it forward to coincide with the Allied invasion of North Africa and the capture of one of the cities there.


Film twenty-three: Psycho

  1. The director financed the film himself.
  2. No less than three actresses recorded dialogue for the lead actress. Their recordings were then mixed together until the director found the right tone of voice for each particular scene.
  3. It was the first American film to show a toilet on screen, as well as the first to hear a toilet being flushed.


Film twenty-four: The Graduate

  1. Nobody, including the lead actor who stars in the film, thought he should star it.
  2. The famous film’s poster used a stunt leg.
  3. All of the ‘adults’ in the film were only known by their surnames. We never learn their first names. This is underscoring the generation gap at the heart of the movie.
  4. Near the beginning of the film, there is a shot of Ben in his room with a fish tank behind him. His head is below the water level, indicating he feels as though he is figuratively drowning.



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I don’t even know how I knew that :sweat_smile: the 3rd clue just for some reason made me think Casablanca with it seeming right time wise and also being something known for quotes.

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Yeah, I figured that was the clue that was too easy, given that the city’s name I removed was Casablanca. HAHAHA.

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I remembered clue 2 and 3 from my film class :joy:

too much time was dedicated to alfred hitchcock imo

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The Graduate?

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Yes, that’s the one.

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After 24 films, we have 1 user in the lead…

Commenters on the thread…

@_abbinshire, @benitz786, @bpalmer, @Cam, @Caticorn, @elixr, @ethereal, @Littlefeets, @LTea, @LunaticLeviTheSecond, @maiarose, @Megan, @Ouijaloveletters, @Kristi, @sunflower.flow


Film twenty-five: Spirited Away

  1. Despite having a rich plot with developed characters, the film was not made with a script.
  2. The film’s creator did not attend the 2003 Academy Awards due to his opposition to the Iraq War.


Film twenty-six:

  1. The lead actress’ mother played the same role but on stage.
  2. The horse-riding scene was added in as a punishment for the younger lead actor.

Film twenty-seven:

  1. The lead actor did his own baby gurgle stunts but not his own juggling stunts.
  2. George Lucas co-edited the film.



oooh number 25 is easy

Spirited Away

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How was it easy?

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In my class, they asked us a question like this while we were playing a game.

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Nice. You’re really gonna be tough to beat in terms of scoring now. HAHA.

Any ideas for the last TV show one?

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uh let me think

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Nah, not this time.

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Uhhh…The Last Jedi.

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Nah, that’s not the one.

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I just saw George Lucas and went from there.

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