In 20 or 25 minutes we (me and @fcukforcookies) are gonna start a drinking game, where we will play a bit of a song and who guesses first and right, drinks. Also, the person who will guess the most song gets a free art from Cookie.
Game will be in Skype call, you dont have to talk, only listen to the song.
You can join, leave or take a break from game anytime you want, but we wont wait for you xD only for bathroom and smoke breaks
We start from playing only one second. Everyone gets only one chance to guess, if no one guesses right, we try 2 seconds, then 5, then 10.
If more people guess it right, the first one gets the point.
If you dont want to drink, you dont have to, if you want to, you take a sip everytime you guessed right and you finish your drink if you were the first one.
If you are gonna participate, leave your skype name in comments
If you are gonna participate, please vote for theme of songs:
@ChaoticDeluge wWhat do you think, if we move this thread to the regular forum games? It’s not something inappropriate and it will be more fun with more people?