Guest Writers Always Welcome!

If you have something to say about Episode or writing or Wattpad or English in general and you want to start up your portfolio for online writing purposes, we are always looking for guest writers for the ShanniiWrites website!

You’ll get full credit for your work (we’ll set you up a nice guest account) and link all of your social media (just like I do with @ChaoticDeluge when he gets around to writing blog posts).

All you have to do is send me a DM here with a link to a Google doc with your blog post on it. I’ll go through it and give it a read, grammar checking it and then I’ll liaise with you to post on the website.

If you’re passionate about anime or a book or TV show, we’d love to hear from you too! Write a post about your favourite thing from the slant of a writer: what makes your favourite character so great, or why writers should read the story. Something along those lines.

And if you don’t want to write a post before you’re sure that we’re looking for what you wanna write about, pitch me the idea through DMs and I’ll let you know!

If you wanna write but you don’t have any ideas yet, please feel free to look through the website!

Submissions have a minimum word count of 300 words.

We’d love to hear from you!

Edit: This is how things are going to be run from now on!


If the forums make lots of money in the future, I will be paying for these :sweat_smile: but right now, I can’t unfortunately


Oo I’d love to submit something! Although, I’m not sure what I’d submit haha.
The only subject I know a LOT about is paranormal stuff lmao.


What about something to do with paranormal stories?


Ooh yeah. Maybe how I think they should be written? Like certain rules to follow to not be disrespectful or something like that.


That sounds great! Maybe you could do a series if you want! Something else on the most underrated paranormal phenomena, or maybe what you think stories often get wrong about the paranormal!


Hi all!

I know some of you gave articles in! I’m still gonna check them out. I was just working last Saturday and with the applications and everything, I’ve been super busy!

This weekend, I’m hoping to sit down and chat with the people who wanna give articles in (as well as sending out the PMs for each person who applied so they know about our choices etc)

In the meantime, I wanna say that we’re looking for comic book fans! We’d love someone who can put together a set of suggestions: what to read if you’re new to comic books.

Would that be anyone? :blush:


I will think about this. Trust me, if I do write it’s going to be more like a couple of pages worth. I have a hard time writing less than that.


Oh interesting, I wouldn’t consider myself a fan of comic books, but I actually have read a lot of them, so I might try to gather my thoughts on the subject…

I mean, I liked certain series enough to bring them with on a transatlantic move so I may need to reconsider my definition of comic book fan.

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You sound like a fan to me! :wink: but it would be amazing if you could see what you could get together! Even if it’s just a starting point for me to write something when I’m better again :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Ok, will do. And feel better!

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In case you still need guest writers:


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Hi all,

An update on how this is going to work now that I’m getting this up and running properly (sorry it’s taken so long).

I have a plugin on my WordPress called Posts Pay Counter, which syncs to my Google Analytics and my AdSense and works out how much your post is making from the website. This would then be split between us 50/50 (but this can go up to 70 for you and 30 for me if you’re a successful writer) and you will be paid out as soon as your AdSense reaches over £30! (I have to get to £60 in order to get a payout, so if you hit £30, then we’ll get paid out)

What You Have to Do

Create an account on and follow the ShanniiWrites website (

DM me once you’ve followed us with an idea you have.

Also, give me the details of your Twitter, Instagram and any other account you’d like me to link.

I’ll make you an author and set up your payment account!

How it Works

You can write your articles on your account. I will then approve them to make sure there is no swearing or mature themes. Plus, I’ll make sure that they are good quality and fit the theme of the website! I will also need to make sure that you have made your post Yoast SEO-optimised (so that you get as much passive traffic as possible from people searching things on Google) and that the topic has not been covered before.

Please make sure your blog posts are helpful and give advice to my users!

I will then press “post” and you will start to get reads (hopefully) as soon as possible. The more you write and advertise yourself, the more you can make!

The Theme

My blog is for writing, reading and English advice! You can write about many things, as long as you link it back to creative writing, reading or English (Language, Literature or English as a Foreign Language). You are welcome to include links to your own stories or blogs/websites as long as it’s relevant to what you’re discussing! I will not accept blog posts that are only there to advertise a rival blog, website or forum.

What You Get Out of It

As well as (hopefully) money if we get enough traffic, it will help you to learn how to produce SEO-optimised content. This will help you if you ever want to make your own blog or website, no matter the topic.

You will also have access to my audience. When I don’t post anything at all, I get around 50 page views a day! That’s from people searching Google as well as going through other channels. This means that you could get some traffic to your social media and stories!

Some Advice

I already have Yoast SEO to take care of SEO optimisation and give you suggestions. However, I recommend installing the free Grammarly browser extension (or getting the paid one if you’re extra keen) to make sure that your grammar is on point! Also, make sure to check out Capitalize My Title for, well, your titles and headers.

If I ever get time with the other 500 things I need to do, I will hopefully also be posting guides on how to use Yoast properly and how to create great blog posts, etc, which will help you along the way.


Bloggo :eyes:

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I will also be posting recommendations for posts in the future! Things that I’d like people to try out :smiley:


I could try to do one

In case you still want/need more guest writers…


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I’m up for it. :grin:

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ShanniiWrites, I don’t know if you still need guest writers, but…


Bump again