Half term holidays

Ahh okies.

Good luck!!


Thank you :heart:


You’re welcome. You’ll do fine :slight_smile:


My school waS SO CRUEL when it came to half term.

It’s a British International School yeah, so we follow the same patterns bUT OUR HALF TERM WAS JUST A “long weekend” which was only one day off :’))


I need like a week off every 4 weeks cause I don’t sleep properly and as my mum so kindly says “you have to drop a brick on her if you want a response before Christmas.”

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I want at least one more day off every week :pleading_face::eyes::sparkles: I am tired of dealing with my class and the next holidays start in December… :crying_cat_face::eyes::sparkles:

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Unfortunately in my university I only have 2 weeks a year besides the summer break off. The 2 weeks around Christmas and New Year. So my only holiday during the year is ending soon :sob:


I’m really lucky, my half-term holidays are usually two weeks long, with the exception of the one closest to December, I think! That’s one week.

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So this is an odd time to be posting on here, as it is nearly the end of the year for those in the northern hemisphere. They will be finishing off their work or doing exams and then there summer holidays and break will start.
However, not for the southern hemisphere. Here, it is almost winter, and for most countries, if not all, it is only halfway through our year. Meaning that our mid-year break is upon us soon.

Added tags: School and discussion.

In America we usually get a winter break around December and that can go from one to two weeks, a spring break and then a summer break which is usually a few months long.

Here, when you are in high school or middle school you get a Christmas break somewhere in December and go back to school at the end of January. The school year ends in June so we have the whole summer free until September. We also have a week off when it’s Easter and that’s it…
But college… oof, that’s a different story. It’s just study, study, study, exams ,exams ,exams… We don’t really have breaks… The goals is to pass everything at the begging of “exams period” so you can give yourself your own holiday lol
Just like now; my exams are starting in June and if I pass everything then I’m free until October


Sounds perfect doesn’t it

ok so we have summa, and then we start scol, and then we have a week for thanksgiving, 2 weeks for winter break cos we culturally diverse w multiple snowy holidays to celebrate, spring break, and then summer agen

when do the exams end

In October
They give you a chance to take something multiple times if you’re not happy with your grade… Oh yeah, we pay to take those exams :))
But if you finish everything earlier you’re free until new school year, oct

ah boof

The holidays I have right now aren’t really half term holidays, but I still enjoy them :smile_cat::green_heart::eyes::sparkles: