Hardest thing I've ever had to code on Episode (Looping backgrounds)

@forumstaff not sure where this is supposed to go and can someone add the episode tag? Thanks lol.

Okay so I was trying desperately how to figure out how to make a looping background. I knew how to do the basics of it but didn’t like how it looked… Tried to go onto Dara’s site to get the template but then that didn’t end up working so I had to figure it out myself. It took hours lol. I started at around 5:00 and now it’s 8:00 ooof.

But here it is:
EXT. BLUE - DAY with LOOP_OVERLAY to 0.945 0 0 in zone 1 at layer -5
&overlay LOOP_OVERLAY_2 create from LOOP_OVERLAY and overlay LOOP_OVERLAY_2 opacity 1 in 0
&overlay LOOP_OVERLAY_2 scales to 0.945 0.945 in 0 and overlay LOOP_OVERLAY_2 shifts to 0 0 in zone 1 in 0 and overlay LOOP_OVERLAY_2 to layer -6
&overlay LOOP_OVERLAY_3 create from LOOP_OVERLAY and overlay LOOP_OVERLAY_3 opacity 1 in 0
&overlay LOOP_OVERLAY_3 scales to 0.945 0.945 in 0 and overlay LOOP_OVERLAY_3 shifts to 0 0 in zone 1 in 0 and overlay LOOP_OVERLAY_3 to layer -6
@zoom on 317 355 to 343% in 0
&overlay LOOP_OVERLAY shifts to 116 242 in zone 2 THEN overlay LOOP_OVERLAY shifts to 441 242 in zone 2 in 3 THEN overlay LOOP_OVERLAY shifts to -218 242 in zone 1 in 0 THEN overlay LOOP_OVERLAY shifts to 105 242 in zone 1 in 3 THEN overlay LOOP_OVERLAY shifts to 106 249 in zone 2 in 3 loop INFINITE times
&overlay LOOP_OVERLAY_2 shifts to 115 242 in zone 1 THEN overlay LOOP_OVERLAY_2 shifts to 113 242 in zone 2 in 3 THEN overlay LOOP_OVERLAY_2 shifts to 112 242 in zone 3 in 3 THEN overlay LOOP_OVERLAY_2 shifts to -219 245 in zone 1 in 0 THEN overlay LOOP_OVERLAY_2 shifts to 101 254 in zone 1 in 3 loop INFINITE times
&overlay LOOP_OVERLAY_3 shifts to -205 242 in zone 1 THEN overlay LOOP_OVERLAY_3 shifts to 108 242 in zone 1 in 3 THEN overlay LOOP_OVERLAY_3 shifts to 107 242 in zone 2 in 3 THEN overlay LOOP_OVERLAY_3 shifts to 112 242 in zone 3 in 3 THEN overlay LOOP_OVERLAY_3 shifts to -219 260 in zone 1 in 0 loop INFINITE times

I’m not doing that again. Feel free to use lol. Here’s the background:
If you’re gonna use it tho credit Dara.amarie for it cuz she’s the one that gave me the background.

On another note, what’s the hardest thing you’ve had to code?


Added some tags


If anyone wants a full blown explanation of how I did this I’m totally willing to explain lmao, I have a bunch of time XD.

Imma just tag @Episodians in case this might be useful to them.

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Oh, yes! I’ve never made a looping background, but this might be useful to me at some point in my coding process. I saw a video by Joseph Evans on how to make a looping background, and his explanation made it look easy.

The hardest thing I’ve had to code? Let’s see… any scene with a bunch of background characters, because I have to spot direct so many of them and make sure they don’t look frozen on the screen. There was a scene in a story that I’m no longer writing where I was introducing the main characters, and I zoomed in on a random object before cutting to the next character, who somehow had the same object. For example, a background character was drinking orange juice, then in the next scene, one of the main characters had a glass of orange juice on the kitchen table. Since I’m proud of that coding, I might incorporate it into my current story.

I just coded a scene in chapter 6 of my story where the LI’s dad is supposed to be carrying a plate of waffles to the table, and the waffles have to move as he’s walking, but that one was so hard to get right.

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Added the #backgrounds tag which merged into the #episode-art tag :maple_leaf:

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