Harry Potter: Wizards Unite

The new Pokemon Go-style Harry Potter game came out in the US and UK yesterday and I have to say that I love it! It’s so much fun so far!

The only problem is that it’s a little glitchy and freezes up from time to time.

What do you think of it? Do you have it?

Feel free to message me if you want my Friend Code :smiley:

I don’t advise just sharing it out on this thread because anyone can access this from the internet and this is a game with location services. Sure, people can only see you when you’re in the same inn or fortress, but I’m sure you don’t want a random people in your area knowing where you are


I’m not a huge fan of it because it requires me to actually go outside…into nature.

No—it’s actually pretty fun. I died against a vampire because I didn’t know what to do…

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It’s sadly not in my app store yet… I really wanna try it

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I downloaded it just now, but its being fairly slow to load.

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Yeah the load times are abysmal. I’m hoping they fix that soon!

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I wish I could try it, but it is impossible :pensive:

Yes it’s out in the app store!!

If you don’t mind me asking: why?

I tried to search for that game, but it is not shown on the store app :sweat: . Probably it is available only in US and UK :thinking:

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They’re having a slow global release over the next few weeks, I think

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Maybe :thinking:
