Has anyone ever used a pore strip?

No, I’m not exactly sure what it is either. I think it’s something to get dirt out of your pores.

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I’ve never heard of such a thing. It sounds weird.

I read this title completely wrong…

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I have! It’s this strip you put on your nose until it hardens, and when you remove it, blackheads are supposed to come out on the strip.
Basically, you have to wet your nose a little so that the adhesive sticks, leave it on for 15-20 minutes, then lift it off.

It looks like this:

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I’ve used something like it! Probably a cheaper version.

I have used one before and it did help with the blackheads on my nose

(they’re back now because I haven’t used one in a while but they did go away when I used it)

I have and it didn’t really work. I think it was just a cheap one but I want to try again

I’ve been lucky enough to have never needed to try one

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