Have we let social media control the world as we see it?

In my opinion, yes. For one, I’m kinda addicted to Facebook. Yes, Facebook. I stay away from Tik tok. Back to the matter on hand, yeah. We’re addicted. It’s not a bad thing as long as you don’t let it control who you are.


Yeah, social media is such an important part of everyone’s life. And not necessarily in a good way, thinking about how echo chambers exist in social media. That basically means people only come across things in line with their already existing views. This is making people a lot less accepting of other opinions. People learn in a way smaller extent that other opinions exist due to social media. Especially since social media is also a source of news and information for many people, and I don’t think that’s a good thing. Sure, it has benefits, but in general I don’t see it as positive…

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This is sad but true.

Not necessarily did we let it per se, but it’s became so prevalent that it’s made the worlds’ perception shift on its own.

Though a lot of people have lost sense of boundary on usage, I could say.

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Whenever I realize I’ve wasted more than an hour on any given site, app, or any other non-productive activity, I force myself to stop and go do something else until I can focus on productive things again. Took me years to be able to do it. (to stop doom scrolling)