Have you ever adapted an urban legend into your writing?

Just ignore that this isn’t this week’s weekly theme, it’s still interesting

I have never included urban legends in any form in my own writing, largely because I don’t actually know many. I think they would work really well as elements in a horror/thriller story, though :thinking:

Have you ever adapted an urban legend into your writing? If so, which legend?
Would you ever include one in a piece of writing in the future? :eyes:


I am OBSESSED with urban legends, so yes - many times!!

Most of them are pretty obscure and localized to where I live - Pennsylvania, USA. Some of the more notable ones I’ve been inspired by are the Blue Mist Road, the Green Man, and the Seven Gates of Hell.

If you’re interested in urban legends in horror, I really recommend the movies Urban Legend and Candyman!! Both of them use urban legends as the lore behind their horror in different ways.


No, never. I don’t know that many urban legends and I don’t think that everyone would understand if I use the ones that I know :sweat_smile:

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Now I’m curious what ones you know XD
I also have never adapted any urban legends into my writing- Unless it was subconsciously (Or mythological creatures like Imps Raijus count)

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#legends added! :innocent:

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