Have you ever been on a boat?

Have you ever been on a boat?
The question’s a little straight forward, if I’m being honest.
I have been on a boat, and it’s a little wild to me that there are some people whom have never been on a boat. I grew up on a straight up island, I currently still live on an island, and there are huge lakes everywhere. Not like… the seven great lakes, or anything, just really big. Big enough for mini islands inside of them, and boats, and tubing.
Have you ever been tubing? There are two different kinds, snow tubing and water tubing. Both of which I’ve done because it gets super cold in the winter. It’s currently spring and it snowed the other day. Water tubing is when you get an inflatable tube with handles on it, tie it to the back of a boat with a long, strong rope, and start driving the boat. It’s so much fun, it’s just really important that you wear a life jacket with it. If you fall off, you could get hit in the head by the tube, or you could slam your head on the water which could really hurt, or sometimes there can be a lot of waves that make it hard to swim.
Anyways, that went on much longer than I thought it would. Which brings me back to my original question, have you ever been on a boat? Do you want to be on a boat? And have you ever been tubing?

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Yes. I’ve been on some. I’ve been on tours where the boats on the bottom are see through to look at broken ships and view the lands around it.

I’ve went kayaking as well.


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I also live on a ‘straight up island’ so if you want to travel anywhere outside of it you have to fly or get a ferry lol.
I like boats, but I am prone to travel sickness, so they can be unpleasant at times. It’s really fun in storms though, as long as I don’t get sick, because the boat goes up and down like mad, sometimes throwing you into the air!

I was on a little ferry at one point, and the water was REALLY bumpy. Basically, if you went to the front and sat down, every time the boat went over a wave we got thrown a foot into the air
It was awesome - like actually flying - and was one of the most fun things I’ve ever done

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I dont go to the mainland much, and you need a ferry to get there, but I went once and it was stormy so the boat was rocking and I went up to the top and it was night and all the lights from the docking town. It was so beautiful, absolutely gorgeous. I have this thing with lights in the rain, I dont know.
I went on a vacation once, we just took one of the planes straight to Seattle, which we also took at night so I got to see this amazing city with lights in the dark. It was awesome.

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Yes, got sea sick twice from travelling. the other times I just took the pills they gave to avoid getting sea sick again.

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On some kind of tour boats, yes. I wish I could go on one of those big big boats and travel the world

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