Have you ever flipped a board game because you lost?

My answer to this is


Far too many times when I was younger :joy:

I played connect 4 with my brother and I connected 5 which there is nothing in the rules against AND THERE WAS 4 CONNECTED but my brother wouldn’t have it so I kicked it across the room :joy: nobody take pity on him he did it deliberately to wind me up


Y e s

And apparently when I was in first grade I flipped the table at my teacher because she was being a b*tch

Hahah! To a monopoly game when I was a teenager! :joy::sweat_smile:

Umm, duh?

Yeah, I did that one or maybe 2 times, but that’s so not me :rofl:

Yes and then I’d dramatically walk out and slam the door :relieved:

True story

I don’t usually get mad at losing games tho I’m quite civil

Ohh yes! and then I got up and walked out.

No :joy:
I never get mad, especially not over losing

I haven’t done it recently or played any boardgames recently :eyes:

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