Have you ever lost cards for a deck of cards?

Have you ever lost cards for a deck of cards?

I lost a deck of cards as a whole, but never just a few cards. I wonder how that can happen, so tell me your stories!
Also, I found the deck again, it was hidden under other games and I just didn’t search for it properly :joy:


all the d-mn time
they just go missing

it’s very annoying

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I’ve lost many cards by accident over the years. They were either connected to a board game or a deck of cards. I bought trivia cards for the trivia games, but my nephew, of course, wanted to play with them, which is when I lost some of the cards. At least, the Harry Potter ones anyway. I think I still have the Lord of the Rings ones. I bought two of the Harry Potter ones, and he still got into them both. Three-year-olds love anything they can get their hands on, even if they don’t understand what the cards say.



Constantly. That’s why I have sooo many. HAHAHAHA


Lol that makes sense!


My brother threw the joker cards away once :upside_down_face:

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