Have you ever moved schools?

I changed schools twice, I was at three different primary schools. Honestly, every time I moved schools, my personality changed a lot :sweat_smile: I started off as a little rebel in my first school, then became a weirdo and then a smartypants :joy:

Have you ever moved schools?
How did it go?


I was in primary school my mum remarried so we move house and to save them having to drive us into the city we changed schools to that of my step sisters

I hated it. I had no friends. I was the new kind that joined mid year so hard to adjust to the new environment


I changed… (counts)
7 schools.
Trust me
It sucks.


During the first two weeks of first grade.
Then at the beginning of 10th grade.
And the last time was about a month into 11th grade.


it wasnt that bad. in first grade we moved and i went to a new school. then graduated and now i m oLD


I’ve been to 5 schools (4 primary and 1 high school )
I’ve never been to a school for more then 2.5 years

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I haven’t so far (And I hate that). But imma change school next year (thankfully). I always wanted to, my (past!!!) school is awful, I never felt like I fitted in, except for maybe the last few months. I am determined to make a fresh start at my new school and, so far, it seems awesome, although I can’t wait to see it from the inside and not just as a visitor.


I’ve moved schools in second grade, I couldn’t make any new friends for years because I’m way too shy and can’t talk to people. I moved schools again when I started high school, it’s been a year and I still haven’t made any friends :grinning::gun:

So yeah, I kinda gave up on my social life outside of the internet lmao

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Yes… Three times.

The second time was the worst, tbh. I’ve been to three elementary schools, one middle school, and two high schools.


Luckily no! My parents wanted me to do that but I refused.

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I’ve switched schools a lot growing up. I didn’t do it a lot, but it made it a lot harder for me to make friends with people my own age. I wouldn’t say they went badly or that they changed me, although switching schools for the first time bothered me a lot. It made me go somewhere that I didn’t really like, although I ended up meeting some of my best friends to this day there.

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Oui :eyes::+1::rose::two_hearts:

It went okay I guess, I was really nervous on the first days though :joy::sweat_smile::rose::two_hearts:

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Yes, I just started a new one a few days ago after being in my old one for 6 years.

I cried a lot, because it was a big change for me and I’m just very emotional in general, but I’m used to it now! I like it.

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I switched elementary and middle schools. I went to a public school for kindergarten and 1st, charter school for 2nd-6th, and public school for 7th and 8th.

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Yep I’ve moved schools 6 times now :smiley:

It’s terrible would not recommend if you are terrible at making new friends like me
Also everyone has these old memories of people and you just aren’t in any :+1:t5:


I mean from elementary school to middle school and middle school to high school, but other than that, no


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