Have you ever participated in an rp class to improve your writing?🦋

Apparently that’s a thing, sounds rad ngl
Have you @rpers ever been in such a thing? Anything to tell? If you haven’t, would you want to?


Answer to the question… no

but why are you still awake? @CerealKiller

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I just got home a while ago

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Not an rp, I did do a writing and character one but ended up having a discussion about how people learn, and that there are mre ways than on to do something…
It was fun lol

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No :sob: the mentorship program back in EF got cut out or something :’))

That’s a thing? Where can I join?

nO but some RPer gave me some advice on making my paragraphs longer…I think they were @/Megan…after that I was basically perfect

Honestly, I didn’t really know they existed back then (except for the mentorship program back in EF uh-huh) and I’m too ignorant to ever look for them, like I really have no idea. But anyway, I don’t think it is a must or a need for me, since I’ve gotten better by just roleplaying and interacting with other awesome writers here plus that’s probably more fun, I hate classes no matter what subject ^~^

I never did because I never knew it was a thing. HOWEVER, I did join writing in english and RP’ing to improve my english and it worked. On my English exam I had grades like 10/10, 9.5/10 and normally I had grades like 6.8/10 or 5.6/10 (here you need a minimum of a 5.5 to pass.

@RPers what about you guys, anyone knew this was a thing?

  • Did any of you participated?
  • if so, how was it?
  • What was it like?
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I hated English at school. Even though I used to do written UPs with my friends in every other class. HAHAHA