Have you ever played in an orchestra?

I have! I played the violin in 5th, 6th, and 7th grade :eyes: sadly, when we moved after 7th grade my new school didn’t have an orchestra :pensive:


  • Have you ever played in an orchestra?
  • If you did, did you like it? And which instrument did you play?
  • If not, would you like to be in one?


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I’ve never played in an orchestra, but I did take band classes in 6th grade. I played the flute. Unfortunately, I was severely behind because my parents ordered a flute from a store that didn’t have them in stock, and since it arrived late, I missed the first few classes and never learned to play it properly.

But it would be nice to learn a strings instrument like the violin. I might take lessons eventually. I’d love to learn how to play a violin cover of my favorite songs.

I have not. I sort of wish I had done, but my fears were too strong.

I have yes, when I was younger I had violin lessons and at some point I joined the youth orchestra.

It wasn’t bad, but I didn’t necessarily like it a lot either tho. It was just learning a bunch of songs… It helped me become more musically tho, as you had to work together with other people.

I haven’t but, in a very short period of time when I was in primary school, I wanted to.

Maybe some of the people in the @Music tag have played in an orchestra?

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I still do. Not like string instruments, but I guess concert band is an orchestra?

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