Have you ever slept in class?

With late nights and early mornings, students are often tired during the school day and a boring class might cause you to drift off. If you’ve ever fallen asleep in class, tell us what happened! Did you get in trouble or did your teacher not notice?


@Students ^^^

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it was by accident

yes but only once :eyes:

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I haven’t. But I almost fell asleep during a class I had in person a few weeks ago.

I (almost) dozed off during an English lesson before the recess bell rang. Thankfully the teacher did not notice me :laughing:


I have only done it once. It was math, 6th grade, at like 9 in the morning

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So many times already :eyes:

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I drift off a lot but I’ve never straight up slept in a class. :eyes:

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I’ve been falling asleep in class since the 2nd grade :sweat_smile:

Everyone has

no i lphysically cant like how r yall doing that

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I don’t go to on campus school but I overslept for zoom calls and tests that needed to be taken at specific times

When I did go to on campus, we all had an enrichment so I just used that class to sleep since we didn’t do anything for 45 minutes and it was at the end of the day :smile_cat:

There were times when I was really tired but I made sure not to.

No! But I was always sleepy in high school

I have fell asleep in math class so many times bruh

Yeah, this one time in 5th grade when I felt sick. I can’t remember if I went home afterwards or stayed until the end of the day.


I fell asleep during class a few times in my last year of high school, but only for a few seconds or while we watched a movie :sweat_smile:
Buuuut…now at university… I keep falling asleep during boring classes :joy: It’s a regular thing now

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