Have you ever stayed up late to post in a RP?

Have you ever stayed up late to post in a RP?

I think this is the perfect time for me to be asking this because, yes, I do stay up late to post in a RP. It is currently 1AM for me and am in the middle of writing roleplay posts, I think I might be up literally every night writing posts, I definitely never write them in the day.

What about everyone else?


Oh I definitely stay up late to reply! I’ve stayed up till 3am or so just so I could get a reply done.
Sometimes my replies are longer and better when I do them when I’m tired


Well, If it’s a new roleplay I feel tempted to stay up because of excitement, but then I end up being too tired.

I’m not allowed to have my phone in my room (in pretty much any scenario), so I rarely, if ever, stay up late to do rp posts. My phone has to be charged downstairs, and sneaking downstairs to play on your phone in the middle of the night is a very very risky thing with bad consequences in my house. I remember going on my dad’s phone a couple of time to write posts but that was very long ago.

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Plenty of times, most of my inspiration comes from being tired.


I do this all the time :joy:

Someone help my sleep schedule :pleading_face:

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is this even a question-

I stay up late in general, but I remember the latest I stayed up for an RP specifically was on the old episode forums, there was this simulator thing in the old mdcla rp me, newguy, blue, and at one point I think bexs were doing and it ended at like 4 am. it was fun

Yes… all the time! A lot of people I rp with are in a different time zones so when they come on it’s around 1 am for me but I really want to rp.

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I’ve stayed up until 3-4AM because of timezones, everything happens while I’m asleep :sob: but either way, I can’t stay up too late since my brain doesn’t function after 12AM.

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Yes, I do because of timezones :’)

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yes, because some RPers live in inferior timezones :yawning_face:

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Closed due to inactivity! :white_heart:

Timezones are the antagonists here