Have you ever talked to a famous Wattpad author?

There are many authors on Wattpad that can be considered as famous, at least within the Wattpad community. I always want to talk to them and ask them so many questions but somehow their fame keeps me from doing that :joy: Even if I know they’re normal people, it seems different.

Have you ever talked to a famous Wattpad author?
What were they like?


I personally haven’t, but it does sounds rad even though they’re basically just regular people.

  • Have any of you ever talked to one?
  • did you maybe want to but didn’t do it?



It very much depends on what you consider ‘famous’. I was friends with an author who sky-rocketed into high reads count (hundreds of thousands) in the space of a few weeks and later became a content ambassador. Getting to talk to the ‘Stars’ wasn’t that difficult back when you were in the forums - though the actual ‘fame’ of many of the Stars is… Open to discussion. One of the easier way was to leave meaningful comments on someone’s book - if you’re friendly and engaging enough, even people with read count in millions would talk to you.

Like @CerealKiller said, they’re basically just regular people. Some had a massive rod up their backside, of course, but real divas were thankfully rare (if obnoxious).


I personally haven’t because I’m too scared to start a conversation with them…


The closest thing to having a converstation to them is when I reviewed their story in a wattpad contest and they thanked me for the review, that’s all.


@WattpadWizards have any of you?


No, I have not. Are there famous ones?

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