Have you ever tried hacking a game?

I haven’t, but I know that plenty of people do.

  • Have you ever tried it?
  • Would you want to do it if you could?
  • Do you think that you could hack a game?

PFF does using cheatcodes on the Sims count? :joy:
Also Habbo hotel,but that was often not very succesful.



Cheat codes in sims :sunglasses: But I don’t know if that counts :laughing:


it’s pretty minimal hacking :eyes:

i dunno i feel like the stuff you can do with MCCC is kinda hack-y :joy:

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A game tried to hack me does it count :nerd_face:


Back in the old days, I cheated on my Episode app to get more passes by doing a simple hack. I just had to go to this specific page in the app, and then change the time settings of my device. And voila, I have two extra passes now. I used to do this hack repeatedly because I’m too impatient to wait for more passes :joy:

Unfortunately, Episode already fixed it years ago and I can’t do that simple hack anymore :cry:



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Episode :sunglasses:

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I have tried it and I have succeeded :sunglasses:
I used to try all cheat codes I could find online on my favourite games just because I wanted to reach goals faster :joy: I know that’s not really the sense of playing a game, but I hated losing and hacking games just gave me a better chance at winning. And it was a lot easier to hack games than it is now, at least that’s how it seems to me


I have tried in some and actually succeeded. Like that Kim Kardashian Hollywood game. To refill my energy level, I used to change my time settings. Unfortunately, they have fixed the glitch now (and punish those people by reducing their fan-base if they try to use that hack :pensive:).

I also wanna hack Marvel Future Fight or Bitlife but they are always in offer completion methods. Those things have never ever worked for me and I have even heard from people that those sites can hack your system and render it useless.

Earlier, I was a hormonal, impatient teenager who just wanted things to be done fast. Now, I guess playing fair, slow and steady is the best way to enjoy games :sweat_smile:

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Or just get better at hacking :sunglasses:

Most mobile games are built around wasting your time and charging you for convenience, sooo :upside_down_face:

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Maybe… but I play MFF nowadays and it has a simple rule – either invest money and take it fast (which I won’t cuz I am practically broke lol) or invest time and effort and take it slow and steady.

Besides, after putting a lot of time and effort if you complete a goal, you feel so great. That’s what I feel too when I save crystals to buy exclusive uniforms/biometrics, level up my characters or tier them up to their maximum. If you invest money or do hacking (if possible), you wouldn’t get such a joy by completing that achievement.

Hehe, but can we really blame the game developers? I agree that it’s okay to complain when the in-app purchases are too high above the normal level… but when it’s not, they are just generating income, right? I mean, that’s what I would do too if I were in their position :slightly_smiling_face:

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It’s entirely reasonable for them to do that (gotta make money somehow), but it can make a lot of games like that unplayable with how much they’re trying to force you into in-app purchases.

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Doesn’t really count as “Hacking”. But I am currently working on a Mod for Stellaris


that’s cool! what does it do?

At the moment it adds in a new “Anomaly” which is a scannable ingame event, with multiple outcomes.

This should lead on to a further event that can cause a shift in the players faction ethics - that part is a WIP atm

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sounds really cool! i don’t know enough about how stellaris works to understand exactly how that would impact gameplay, though :joy:

well its minimal, it more impacts the players narrative and potenial playstyle.

With the event I can push the player towards the Spiritualist ethic, this can limit some of the benefits if they aren’t playing a spiratulist empire. I can also make it so that if they complete the event and don’t want to take it further they take a hit of 15% to pop happiness making the game harder.

but ultimately its a way to tell a wee story :smile:

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always good to have more events like that in games :eyes:

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Thats’ it. I just fancied telling a couple of stories will hopefully share it with friends.

Once I’m finished I’ll throw it on the steam workshop, so my friends can use it too.

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