Have You Ever Tried Making a Video Game Yourself?

Video games, they range from as simple as Pong, to the most expansive of story driven open world games. They can be designed with any audience in mind, on any type of platform. You don’t even have to be part of a large game design company to create a video game of your own

There are numerous ways to create a game of your own, and many more YouTube videos to show step by step with each design system. You can use basic coding, or use some online software to create any game you can imagine.

Like with writing or even like running an RP, if you want any type of a plot for the game, you have to do some story planning and world building. After all, when you design your own video game, you have to create everything from the ground up.

During my freshman year of high school, we were given a group assignment to create a video game. I didn’t understand how to create the game itself, so my task was to create the storyline, and a few other tasks with the other members of my group. By the end of it I wasn’t satisfied with the game my group member had created due to not fitting what was planned, so on my own I decided to recreate the game. I never did finish it, but even just the planning and messing around with the system and beginning to build the setting was a really cool experience.

  • Has anyone else tried to make your own video game?
  • Were you able to complete it?
  • How did you make it?
  • What was the game about?

No, never, because I can not code :rofl:


No but I would definitely like to try! It doesn’t seem easy… I have friends at the academy that create games and whenever they talk about it I’m so confused but it sounds so interesting!


Nope, I never have. It would be cool to try but I don’t have any of the know-how for undertaking such a task. Though I reckon it would be fun to try if I had the ability to do so.

My ex did. I was the first to try it.

I did when I was like 10 it didn’t really work out obviously
Even tho I was a lot more computer smart back then than I am now

  • Yes, when I was a teen
  • No - I quickly realised it was even more work than trying to write a book and I struggle with that enough already :joy:
  • I used RPG Maker :+1:
  • I actually don’t remember :thinking:
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Yes, multiple of them. It was what I studied in University after all. “Computer Games Development” would be a bit silly If I had never created one.

I completed a few basic project ones. Ranged from simple maze games to asteroids like and even space invaders clones. Out within University I have created a few simple Simulation games with friends, a platformer and when I was much younger I messed around with RPG Maker

Varied depended on the project. But alot of my work was using C# and Java. I have a bit of expereince with Ruby and Unreal Engine as well (Though it is just a C++ derivative.)

Nothing serious. Problem with many first time game devs is they try to make the games to complicated. I mean my first game was just a clone of asteroids to learn how to program the mechanics. Next I moved on to a cross of Space Invaders and Galatica that had a small story about beating an alien invasion. Nothing special though.

I have not! I’ve thought about it a lot, but I’ve never actually made one. They require a lot of work, and I didn’t even know any good engines to use to make a game. I’m still interested in making one, but I’d definitely need to know more first.

That sounds extremely complicated but if I knew how to make a video game, I’d definitely experiment with it until I could make something decent.

It was honestly super cool. I miss him.

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No but my friend made a dinosaur themed one :eyes:

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