Have you ever used random objects as game pieces?

For me, I’ve used legos as pieces for snakes and ladders, and to play Ludo. Used Legos to play Checkers as well. The board is provided but not the game p.ieces

Have you ever used a random object as game pieces?
Why did you do so? Is it because I’ve lost your game piece?
Any random objects that you think is useful as a substitute for game piedes?

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Yes, you lost it! Damn you! Give it back! angrily shakes fist

My brother is fond of using a ‘dinosaur bone’ (small piece of a smashed mug) when we can’t find pieces in monopoly

Lol, we’ll use literally anything we find as game pieces-

No but after losing pieces in monopoly it was tempting

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My cousins use painted rocks and seashells :eyes:

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