Have you followed Hyram?

Hiram Yarbro is an American Tik Tok beauty influencer. I actually had to look him up. I don’t think I’d follow him, though. I’m definitely not interested in beauty routines. What about you guys? @BeautyEssentials

I’ve seen some of his videos on my fyp, but I don’t follow him



and yes I watched him ocassionaly, however he is in some controversy with his skincare brand



Oh what happened? :grimacing:

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Overpriced products and small charity percentage (debtable), Exploitation of Africa to gain more sales and views (personally agree), and I believe lacking a certification to be a credible aesthetician or dermatologist

Who that-

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Don’t know. Don’t care. Just picked a task amv briefly Googled.

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Added the #discussion, #opinion, and #beauty tags :sparkles:

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