Have you travelled to any different countries?

Traveling :raised_hands:t2:
I love to travel and my very ambitious goal is to visit as many countries as possible. I have been to 10 different countries, mostly in Europe - Italy, Greece, France, Belgium, Germany, Hungary, Montenegro, Slovenia, the Czech Republic and Turkey. I would really love to see other continents!

  • Have you travelled to any different countries?
  • Which ones?

I traveled to one and it was The Bahamas :star_struck:

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I’ve been to london when I was 5 and I visited the U.S before I moved there. :eyes:

If going on vacation to my home country counts, I’ve been to Trinidad and Tobago. :eyes:

I’ve been to the US, England, and the Dominican Republic

I went to India, South Korea, Canada, and Singapore :eyes:

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I’ve gone to Colombia, Venezuela, Panama and the U.S

I’ve never been outside of the U.S.

I’ve been to Canada, France, China, and Brazil :eyes:

I’ve traveled to Canada (obviously :weary:), China, Mexico, Belize, and Honduras. I’ve never gone to Europe, sadly, but I hope I find myself there somewhere in the future

@Discussions what different countries have you traveled to?


I wouldn’t exist without my family existing in Mexico and migrating to America during the Great Depression but I’ve never been, smh.


I yes

UK, US, Netherlands, Spain, Poland, Greece(but I don’t remember it) and Canada very briefly


I’ve never been to any other country other than America, never had the chance to go anywhere else.

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gasp was this part of the plot to kidnap me-


I wish I have :sob:


Yeah, I never left the country before because my country is an archipelago (meaning that land transportation to another country isn’t possible). Plus plane tickets here can also be very expensive.


Yup! Like a lot because of my father~

Spain (my sister was born there) London, Mexico, Nigeria, South Africa, USA and Zambia

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Yes yes not that many tho

Nigeria, The States and some European countries to get the connecting flights

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Yes, I live in Mexico, I used to live in the USA, and I’ve traveled to Greece and Costa Rica.
Before the pandemic started, I had plans to visit Germany in July, but that didn’t happen.