Hazbin Hotel: Our New Residents! Official RP 🏨

Welcome To The Hazbin Hotel! :hotel:

It’s such a crazy idea…A hotel to rehabilitate sinners so they can get checked out into Heaven as a peaceful method to handle overpopulation downstairs. Though Evangeline, New found owner of Hazbin Hotel, Is determined to make this project a reality. So what will happen within these walls? Will our residents redeem themselves or fall in deeper into the depths of this place. :old_key:


The main goal is to rehabilitate yourself, Although you can still fail to do so.
Evangeline is on Alastor’s power-level. Only 4 other character’s can be on that same power level although you’d have to be senior staff. First come first serve.

  • Max of 2 Characters, But only Male and Female, You CANNOT have two characters of the same gender.
  • No Mary Sue’s or Gary Stu’s it’s literally impossible.
  • Please be respectful of everyone in the role-play.
  • PLEASE Be active! A post every 4 days is required, If you give an excused reason as to why you need more than 4 days please pm me. After a week of inactivity you will receive a warning through pm. After 2 weeks your character will be put up for adoption.
  • Relationships are allowed along with: Sex and Drugs. although make it minimal with a trigger warning, Anything too descriptive take it to PM.
  • Do not attempt to kill characters without permission from the owner, You can be killed but can’t die. You will just fall from the sky once your body is damaged.
  • Please add location to your character’s name so it wont be confusing on where you were if you take some time off the rp.
  • You CANNOT Be a canon character, They will be OC’s although you can be related to them
  • Characters can be an animal-hybrid, Fallen Angel, Or TV-Creature etc.
All Links.

Sign Up: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScXTl6He3akEuZzDBbai2gMr-UWsuPbLonu5D_G-sAX-wcx-g/viewform?usp=pp_url
Faceclaim Slide:
Hazbin Hotel: Our New Residents! [FaceClaims] - Google Slides



Note: When it comes to face-claims I would advise everyone to use a picture of an OC. Of course giving credit to the artist if it’s someone else’s. Since finding anyone who looks even remotely like a Hazbin (Real People) Wise is remotely impossible.

Senior Hotel Staff: (On Alastor’s Power Level/Overlord) [3/4]
Hotel Staff: [0/7]
Residents: Unlimited.

Available: Jackpot Hotel’s Diner.
Available: The Red Room Cocktails.
Available: The Drugstore.
Available: That’s Entertainment! Theater.
Available: Hazbin Hotel.
Available but limited: Mafia. [0/5]
Available: Doomed Dentistry
Available: Goon Saloon.
Available: News Channel
Available: Living for a day CO.
Available: Afterlife Arcade
Available: Old-Town Opera
Available: Penny’s Pawn Shop
Available: Crook Car Dealership
Available: Basic Beauty Store
Available: Madness Mall
Available: Get Rich! Casino.

NOTE: Locations are there for role-play purposes, Anything is available to work in.

OVERLORDS/SENIOR HOTEL STAFF: [3/4] @AstroPoison I @FuzilladeBlue I @GlitterFist

Writing Format:

Character name is in bold or colored text.
Actions are normal text.
Thoughts are italic.
“Speaking is in quotation marks.”

Your character arrives at the Hotel, It’s dim with golden shining lights peering through the glass windows, You hear bustling and talking as you approach the door. Taking a deep breath you enter the Hotel and a smell of fresh paint and polished furniture hits your nose. Suddenly a woman bunny-like hybrid walks up towards the stage in a tight corset and fluffed dress, Her stance is punctual and intimidating as she speaks in a sweet tone starting her speech. "Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel! I’m Evangeline Le Fay.”


Evangeline Le Fay. I Location: Hotel Lobby.

Evangeline straightened her posture, Quickly fixing any stray hairs that fell she tucked them back into her neat bun. Walking to the stage Evangeline tapped the mic and began to speak.

“Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel! My name is Evangeline Le Fay, Owner and enthusiast of rehabilitating sinners! This hotel was built for demons and creatures alike to seek a new path, A new light towards Heaven and become clean and pure individuals. Here we have an array of events, transportation, jobs and a lovely staff to compensate with the usual…issues with hell.”

Evangeline took a moment to scan the crowd, Lovely, So many guests.

“As you know, I am an Overlord of hell.” Evangeline said cockily as she continued to talk.

“But please, Don’t feel hesitant to talk to me. Anyone and everyone are welcome here, Please take the time to talk to your fellow guests and other overlords it is the beginning of a new journey after all.” Evangeline turned off the mic and stepped down from the stage with a slight hop she went over to a struggling staff member and helping them with planners.



:wine_glass: Devin Pierce :wine_glass:

“Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel! My name is Evangeline Le Fay, Owner and enthusiast of rehabilitating sinners! This hotel was built for demons and creatures alike to seek a new path, A new light towards Heaven and become clean and pure individuals. Here we have an array of events, transportation, jobs and a lovely staff to compensate with the usual…issues with hell.”
-Overlord Evangeline was announcing on the stage.

Blah blah blah… - it all seemed boring to Devin. But the chic her self looks like a good meal- Devin put on a smirk. Power, authority and looks… Nice blend - he thought checking Evangeline out as she stepped down from the stage with a slight hop.

Devin approached to her with a kinky smirk.
“Good evening, Lady”, he said from her behind. “You said that we shouldn’t hesitate to talk to you, over there”, he nodded his head pointing at the stage, “My poor eyes couldn’t find any better lady to talk to…”, he winked.



Evangeline Le Fay. I Location: Hotel Lobby.

Evangeline finished conversing with the struggling staff member as they scurried off and Devin approached her with a smirk. Evangeline noticed his flirtatious aroma and mentally rolled her eyes a tad but made sure to keep on her signature smile and welcoming posture.

“Good evening, Lady”, Devin said from Eva’s behind. “You said that we shouldn’t hesitate to talk to you, over there”, Devin nodded his head pointing at the stage, “My poor eyes couldn’t find any better lady to talk to…”, Devin winked.

“Ha!” Evangeline expelled a slight laugh.

Evangeline extended her hand for a small handshake.

“Of course! Do you have any questions or concerns?” Evangeline asked tilting her head a bit as she held her clipboard. “No need for such formalities.” Evangeline said with a quotation motion.



:wine_glass: Devin Pierce :wine_glass:

“Ha!” Evangeline expelled a slight laugh.

Evangeline extended her hand for a small handshake.

Devin bounced one of his eyebrows before he extended his hand as well and gave Evangeline’s hand small shake, never losing his match winning smirk.

“Of course! Do you have any questions or concerns?” Evangeline asked tilting her head a bit as she held her clipboard. “No need for such formalities” Evangeline said with a quotation motion.

“Questions?”, Devin shook his head in ‘no’ and chuckled softly, “I’m afraid I don’t have any ‘formal’ questions”, he shrugged, “Can’t we have a small talk, which could be extended to long, ad you’re an Overlord and I’m just a resident?”, He smirked “You just said you didn’t want formalities” he added quickly.




This was a stupid idea. Why was he coming here? This was a stupid idea. Who would ever trust a demon, let alone a demon overlord, to rehabilitate other demons? This was such a stupid idea. And yet, here he was.

Toothfairy honestly didn’t know why he bothered coming. He was hopeless, sure, but this was a new low. Maybe he should just stop trying. He’d been here so long he’d forgotten his own name. He had a well-paying job, a few coworkers that he felt like he could trust, a place to live… Maybe he could just be content down here.

F*ck it. Who was he kidding?

He entered the Hotel Lobby as the Overlord, Evangelf*ck Whatsherface was about halfway through her dramatic speech. He ignored her, looking around at the other demons, trying to figure out who was there as a joke and who was fooling themselves into thinking that they could be saved. Once the Overlord finished her speech, Toothfairy stood there awkwardly, wondering if he should introduce himself to someone.



Evangeline Le Fay. I Location: Hotel Lobby.

“Questions?”, Devin shook his head in ‘no’ and chuckled softly, “I’m afraid I don’t have any ‘formal’ questions”, Devin shrugged, “Can’t we have a small talk, which could be extended to long, and you’re an Overlord and I’m just a resident?”, Devin smirked “You just said you didn’t want formalities” he added quickly.

“Alright then, Agreeable.” Evangeline said and flashed him a smile, She summoned a couch and plopped down on it. “So! My good fellow, Why are you down this pit of doom?” Evangeline asked.

Evangeline noticed a man dressed in seemingly dentistry clothing and waved him down to join her and Devin.




The Overlord went to talk to one of the other Demons, materializing a couch for the to sit on as they talked. She looked up and seemed to notice him, waving him over to her. He looked back and forth, making sure she actually was waving to him, before immediately ignoring her.

Ew. Like I’d ever be caught sitting with a Demon, even if she was an Overlord.

@ForeverAngel - Evangeline


Evangeline Le Fay. I Location: Hotel Lobby.

Evangeline awaited the demon’s approach only to have him ignore her. “What rude manners.” Evangeline stated with a sly smirk. She tapped her staff on the ground as her shadow emerged from the wall and swooped up the dentist and bringing him back to the couch.

The shadow quickly dropped the dentist on the couch and merged back into Evangeline.

“Smile my dear! Your never fully dressed without one.” Evangeline said to the irritable dentist as she flashed him a sinister smile.

“Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel, A dentist I see?” Evangeline asked eyeing his outfit up to a closer view, He wore the right tools and had an ID card.



Toothfairy Extreme Gromp Edition

Toothfairy suddenly found himself on the couch, the two Demons uncomfortably close to him. He thought about scooting away, but figured that the Overlord would just force him back onto the couch again. She insisted that he smile, and he couldn’t help but roll his eyes. “We’re in Hell.” He said. “What is there to smile about?”

“Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel, A dentist I see?” The Overlord leered closer to him, grabbing his ID out of his breast pocket so that she could inspect it. He snatched it away from her, gagging when he got too close to her wide smile. Her breath was fetid.

“Yeah, I’m a Dentist.” He said, wiping her cooties off of his ID before sticking it back into his pocket. “Why don’t you stop by for a cleaning sometime? You could definately use one.”

@ForeverAngel - Evangeline


Evangeline Le Fay. I Location: Hotel Lobby.

“We’re in Hell.” Toothfairy said. “What is there to smile about?” He stated.

“Plenty my dear, Of course this place could never be perfect or rightful but you can find purpose here.” Evangeline stated as she crossed her legs.

The demon snatched his ID card away once Evangeline attempted to loo kover it. She merely shrugged off.

Evangeline stood up walking up a bit until she heard the Dentist’s snide remark.

“Yeah, I’m a Dentist.” Tooth fairy said, wiping her cooties off of his ID before sticking it back into his pocket. “Why don’t you stop by for a cleaning sometime? You could definitely use one.” He said.

Evangeline halted her left heel clicking to a standstill she turned her head slightly to the right just so she could see him out of her peripheral vision, Her smile didn’t drop but her eyes twitched and her smile turned into one of a mad woman.

With that she turned on her heel to face him and shifted her weight. Using her shadow to snatch the ID card from his pocket and up to Eva’s face she finally got a clear read of his identification card.

“Toothfairy, Died in 1900.” Eva read out-loud she scoffed and laughed lightly.

“For such a name that brings joy to humanity you sure are an unmannerly man my dear.” Evangeline stated as her shadow threw the ID back to the Toothfairy’s face and merged with Eva once more.

“This just won’t do!” Evangeline stated crossing her arms behind her and ignoring the dentist’s remark knowing her image means most to her and hygiene is never an issue she paid little attention to the man’s uncultured nature and turned away from him.

She summoned her task list and proceeded read off today’s plans.

“Once I assign everyone to rooms how do you both feel about a nice dinner?” Evangeline asked.




As the Overlord darted around both the room and the conversation absentmindedly, Toothfairy could only feel his distaste for her grow. She quipped, she stole, she casually threw out insults, and it was a bit impressive that she was able to lead a conversation so quickly and so elegantly. He did have a bit of respect for her, purely because of her social prowess. But besides that, he couldn’t stand her. So, of course, when she suggested that he and the other Demon had dinner with her, he declined.

“I’ll pass.” He said, getting off of the couch. “I must return to the Office, actually. Duty calls, and I have an appointment almost every hour today.” That was a lie, of course, but he needed an excuse to get out of this wretched place. He never should have come here. He hoped she would let him leave.

@ForeverAngel - Evangeline


Evangeline Le Fay. I Location: Hotel Lobby.

“I’ll pass.” Toothfairy said, getting off of the couch. “I must return to the Office, actually. Duty calls, and I have an appointment almost every hour today.” He said hastliy going to the door only for Eva to swoop her back around.

“Nonsense! A good meal always lifts the spirits.” Evangeline stated as she gathered her things. Reading off a list she named a few places- “That’s Entertainment! Theater, The Red Room Cocktails, or Get Rich! Casino.” Evangeline said. “Which would you two be interested in partaking in tonight?” Evangeline neatly placed the clipboard back.

“Thankfully the Red Room has just been re-built due to an erm- previous altercation.” Evangeline said as she dusted off her dress.




Even though he was obviously umcomfortable and he obviously wanted to leave, this woman wouldn’t let up. Stopping him from reaching the door, she dragged him and the other Demon further along into the lobby, continueing to insist- almost obsessively- that the three have dinner together. Clearly, there was no way to escape her. Toothfairy sighed and resigned himself to a night of social anxiety and failing at conversation.

The Overlord listed off a few of Hell’s locals where they could eat- The Casino, The Theatre, and The Bar seemed to stand out, and she seemed espescially excited about the bar’s new renovations. “The Theatre would be the best place for me. I don’t drink or gamble” Toothfairy admitted.

@ForeverAngel - Evangeline


:wine_glass: Devin Pierce :wine_glass:

“Nonsense! A good meal always lifts the spirits.” Evangeline stated as she gathered her things. Reading off a list she named a few places- “That’s Entertainment! Theater, The Red Room Cocktails, or Get Rich! Casino.” Evangeline said. “Which would you two be interested in partaking in tonight?” Evangeline neatly placed the clipboard back.

Devin had been listening to their conversation laying his back against the couch. “Sorry to interrupt”, he said, “You need a little break from your routine, Mr dentist. It’s not like you need money here. Everything is free” he folded his arm.

“The Theatre would be the best place for me. I don’t drink or gamble” Toothfairy admitted. that is a hell of a man who doesn’t like to gamble pr drink - he thought.



Orp:… Did it happen?


:fox_face:Cerys Evans:fox_face: //Hotel Lobby//
I was walking around the hotel. I still wasn’t used to being here, and I was still nervous, especially now that there had been a new group of people. I took out my notebook and started to write little pieces of Eva’s speech. I did come here with the idea to write an article about the hotel and all the chaos it has around it. I looked around the group. Some faces were familiar from old residents, some were new, and some were missing. I guess there have been a few that didn’t like the idea of redemption after all.

I took a break from looking around and sat down in one of the comfy sofa’s as I just waited for new people to talk to me, or older residents to say hello.



:paw_prints: Ioan Pride :paw_prints: //Hotel Lobby//
There was a opening speech in the hotel for new residents. I might not be one, but I went anyway because it would look like I was and if I came over from now on, it wouldn’t look as suspicious.

After the speech some started talking to each other. Others started looking around and I…I just leaned against the corner, waiting for anyone or everyone to either leave or talk to me, I didn’t really care.



Evangeline Le Fay. I Location: Hotel Lobby.

Evangeline nodded in approval once Toothfairy reluctantly agreed to go.
The Theatre would be the best place for me. I don’t drink or gamble” Toothfairy admitted.

Evangeline smiled in a comforting manner respecting his decision, She was a bit demanding but she knew what lines to cross and when to let it go.

“Sorry to interrupt”, he said, “You need a little break from your routine, Mr dentist. It’s not like you need money here. Everything is free” he folded his arm.

Evangeline nodded. “It’s true, Hazbin Hotel is free of charge, I have plenty currency to establish more than this hotel.” Evangeline stated folding her arms.

“Alright the theater it is, My favorite place.” Evangeline smiled remembering her memories as a performer when she was alive.

She looked over at Cerys when she walked in. “Cerys! Welcome back!” Evangeline shook her hand as her ears perked up.



ORP what do you mean?