Soooooo to make a long story short; I went out with this guy from work. I wasn’t feeling it, so I told him I wasn’t interested. I said I was happy to be friends (Since we had been before dating), and that I didn’t think I was in the right place to start a relationship.
He told me at work that he still had feelings for me. (I then said I only saw him as a friend )
And now it’s pretty awkward. At least for me. I don’t want to just ghost him, but I’m not sure how much longer I’m going to be at my job since I’m really only still working there so I can get a reference. It’s not terribly awkward, and sometimes I like talking with him, but he’s a little too… Up close and personal.
Honestly, I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to end the friendship until I quit (Because it would be awkward as hell) but I’m not sure how to ‘cut contact’ without seeming utterly rude.
I think you just need to be flat out and open with your feelings. Don’t be be super blunt about it, just try to…gently tell him that you really aren’t interested in him and you really just want to stay friends. You don’t necessarily have to ghost him. You can still talk and stuff, just everytime he tries to…get close, make it clear that you’re uncomfortable because if he notices, he’ll likely stop.
But I don’t know anything about relationships so all that advice could be complete crap.
As the only guy on the forums and in the world, here are my two cents.
Guys are thick-headed and stubborn when it comes to this kinda thing. Even the nicest of dudes, which I’m sure this guy is, sometimes just doesn’t really take a hint. So long as it isn’t at harassment level, that’s sometimes not a bad thing. It just shows they’re dedicated (Or desperate lul)
You need to flat-out completely say ‘nothing is going to happen, now or ever’ to really get through a guy’s thick skull. Trust me, if that doesn’t get said, they probably still think there’s a chance and that they just did something wrong