Help me come up with flaws?

So um I have this epi story that I think the storyline is good but the MC is literally cardboard. But that’s fine cuz I just started.

The only real personality she has is that she is extremely dedicated to her best friend, they’re both poor but she works really hard to help her best friend who’s pregnant. (They live together and the father is out of the picture). She doesn’t really have any other friends.

It’s kinda a flaw (or is it idk) because she is so focused on her best friend that she puts her life and happiness on the sidelines…

She constantly wants to do other things but feels trapped. She also is scared of her past (her mother basically abandoned her as a child…) and she eventually escapes through going into a magical book that she read as a child lol.

I’m just having trouble coming up with more than that… like little details and stuff.


Ik there’s a flaws thread but that was giving advice through listing flaws and how to do them while I feel like I just need to brain storm or something with someone…

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I can help.

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Added tags :eyes:

Tbh I think part of my problem is that I don’t recognize the flaws already present in my character lmao

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Heres some

Not able to admit to her mistakes or wrongdoings


oh that could be good and fit the character actually. But I would use it more as a little flaw in petty arguments I think. Because as a whole she’s a good person.

I also think I’m gonna make her socially aloof, like she’s only ever had her best friend and she’s more withdrawn when it comes to other people.

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Being socially aloof sounds good. Maybe some people mistake her as cold, distant, and uncaring.


Yeah… I guess I’m not exactly sure how to show that. The only thing I can think of is her kinda just off by herself somewhere but then my mind equates that with shyness- one thing she’s not - she’s not shy. She’s not afraid to talk to people but she kinda just doesn’t. Like she’s not awkward.

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Is it a text-based or an Episode story?
If it’s on Episode, you can kind of show her at a gathering where she’s talking to people and not really interested in adding much to the conversation. In text-based, you can describe their facial expressions or how they react to her.


Yeah it’s episode. I think I can also show the convo going then gradually go into narration to show that she’s always in her head when she’s around other people.

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Hey @WritingWithStars do you still need help? Or can this thread be closed :eyes:

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I think I’m good! You can close it.

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alright <3

Closed due to OP’s request