Hermanus Whale Watching Festival, South AfricašŸ‹

Hermanus Whale Festival is a rad celebration festival for the return of the southern right whales to the coastal waters of Southern Africa.

The Hermanus Whale Festival started 29 years ago as an annual community event in the pretty coastal town of Hermanus.

It is a tribute to the legacy left to the town by Wendy the Whale whose story is about manā€™s ability to live in harmony with nature as well as peopleā€™s ability to come together as communities valuing the environment.

All events and activities during the whale festival are focused to create awareness on how to protect the whales and all our marine wildlife who share our coastal waters.


Sounds rad af
But this year the festival was canceled (damn you Covid)


  • what do you guys think? :whale2:
  • looks rad doesnā€™t it ? :whale2:
1 Like

thatā€™s so cool :eyes:

whales are awesome

Now thatā€™s a festival that seems super rad! I bet itā€™s fun but also raising awareness for something really important, so thatā€™s actually a very good thing

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