Hi yes very awkward title haha

so uh ive not been very active on here. and im not doing tasks or contributing anything to the forums and im feeling reallyyyy guilty about it. there have been sum stuff going on irl and uh yeah. im not gonna talk about it 'cause i realllyyy dont want to. but like- its just very bad. and im trying to sort things out so yeah. i think its best if i take a break from the forums. i dont know for how long but yeah. ill be back tho. maybe by next year? march-april? idk ok. but im not leaving forever. so um yeah. also wanted to say that you pepes are very rad. DONT FORGET THAT. and ill miss you guys a lottttt. so yeahhhhhhh. i dont want to end this awkwardly so ill add a few of emojis :grinning::upside_down_face::smiley:


mommyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy :pleading_face:




I’ll miss you :sob::sob::sob:
I hope things get better soon! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


It’s okay to be awkward, I get it. Just focus on yourself!

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Hope the break helps and that things get better for you ^^

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Closed due to inactivity