Hidden In The Embers - A Ninja SG Official Thread

Twelve years before the events at the focus of the series, the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox attacked the village hidden in Embers. It was a powerful demon; a single swing of one of its nine tails would raise tsunamis and flatten mountains. It raised chaos and caused the deaths of many, until the Fourth leader of the hidden embers village , defeated it by sacrificing his own life to seal the demon inside an unknown vessel

The Fourth Village leader of the Village hidden in Embers was celebrated as a hero for sealing the Nine-Tails away. He wanted the Vessel of the beast to be respected in a similar light by being the containment vessel for the Nine-Tails. Some of the villagers disliked that idea, they took matters into their own hands. A decree made by the Third leader made it so that the other villagers were forbidden to mention the event to anyone, even to their own children.

Events are starting to move against the ninja villages. The beast vessels are disappearing. Now it’s a race for the villages to gather as many beasts as they can and prepare the current generation of Ninja to be ready for the fight to come.

There are 9 tailed beasts. So far 2 beast vessels are found and closely monitored. The other 7 are unknown.

There are 6 main ninja villages. 2 are in the same land;

  • The village hidden in the stars. It is located in the land of the Moon. The village hasn’t been heard of in a decade.
  • The village hidden in the Blazing Plains. The Village is located in the land of flames
  • The village hidden in the Ember . Found in the land of flames
  • The village hidden in the Crystals. Found in the land of snow.
  • The village hidden in the Rivers . The village is located in the land of Water
  • The village hidden in the Scattered Valley. Located in the Grasslands

Some of the smaller nations have ninja villages though they aren’t as powerful as the main 6.


Each Ninja has the ability to use 1 chakra nature when they are at the lowest level.

Common chakra natures are;

  • Fire
  • Water
  • Earth
  • Lightning
  • Wind

Chakra is the energy that is used to make ninja techniques to make a technique good. You have to combine two types of chakra.

There are some rare chakra natures. They are called kekkei genkai. Chakra natures like these tend to commonly occur in very old and secretive clans.

Types of chakra;

  • Energy of the body- Chakra that generates in the body and cells As more as energy you can get this makes you stronger.
  • Soul Energy- This is the energy of your soul. The soul energy is kept in reserve; it comes out only when you are very tired or scared.
  • To make a good technique you have to combine these two types of chakra. You have to mix the soul and body chakra equally to make the technique work.

Every ninja has a chakra limit.

Ninja’s don’ have only the standard system for the circulation of blood, they have a system for circulation of chakra too. Chakra passes through the body through special tubing It is released as the entire system for cross circulation of chakra and out of the body.

Everyone will start at the same Rank:

Ninja Ranks

  • Academy Student - Academy Students are young ninjas who primarily focus on studying basic ninja techniques. Since they are usually quite inexperienced and weak, they are not included in the ninja workforce. The requirement to graduate from each academy varies in each village.
  • Genin - Entry level ranked ninjas are called Genin and are basically servants. They attain a metal forehead protector after graduating from the academy into a Genin. Much of the missions assigned to Genin are D-ranked, meaning that it’s mere labor work and combat is rarely ever involved.
  • Chunin- Only exceptional ninjas who are able to pass the Chunin Exam judged by the Village chiefs are allowed to become Chunins. Chuunins are often assigned higher level ranked missions. They are easily distinguished by their thick, green vest fancying stylish scroll pouches.
  • Jounin - Elite ninjas showing incredible skills are given a Jounin ranking, meaning that they are eligible for high ranked missions such as assassination. Many Jounins lead a group of three Genins and assists them on their missions, preparing them for the Chunin Exam. They act as a teacher and guidance counselor. Must pass the jounin exams
  • Ninja Counselor - These politicians work next to the Village chief and make important decisions. Just like most politicians they like to rip everyone off and make a lot of money. Must be jounin or higher
  • Sannin - Ninjas who possess unmatched strength and skill are ranked right below that of a Village chief . A maximum of three Sannin per village are appointed by each Village chief . Sannins no longer wear forehead protectors or vests, in order to blend in with common civilians. They are emitted to perform dangerous S-Class missions.


  • Medical-Nin- Must have passed a medicinal training program.Advanced ninjas who are able to carefully focus their chakra. Thus, enabling them with various medicinal healing techniques. When a Medical-Nin is added to a group, the chance of unnecessary deaths is dramatically reduced.
  • ANBU - Passed the ANBU training program. Elite military squads who enforce vigilance and justice are called ANBU. These guys are incredibly talented and specialize in assassination, investigation, and protection. They are distinguished by their animal mask and silver vest. Think of them as police with ninja skills!
  • Missing-Nin - anger or disobey your village leaders. Missing-Nins have either betrayed or abandoned their country in search of ambitions which are often frowned upon. They are often hunted as prey by Hunter-Nins and aren’t permitted to enter villages. Missing-Nins are trademarked by the slash cut into their headband across their country’s national symbol.


Ninja’s typically work in 4 man teams.

1 capitan -chunin or higher.

3 normal members. Some villages will have a least 1 medical nin as part of the team.

When genin are in a team the captain is a jounin rank ninja and teacher to the 3 genin members of the team. They will typically be called by their last name then sensei. It’s a sign of respect.

All ninja’s have a metal forehead protector somewhere on them. It is visible. The protector is a badge of honour. It being removed from them in a very public manner is a great dishonour to the person and their clan. Missing-Nin have their village symbol crossed out.

Village symbols;

  • The village hidden in the Crystals -
  • The village hidden in the stars. - A crescent moon and a small star.
  • The village hidden in the Blazing Plains -
  • The village hidden in the Ember -
  • The village hidden in the Rivers -
  • The village hidden in the Scattered Valley -

Karina research facility:

The facilities connected to the hidden village is unknown. For some reason, the village sends money and supplies to the facility.

All the kids wear a crescent moon forehead protector, the staff/ adults have a snowflake in place of the crescent moon.

The inner working of the facility isn’t known to outsiders. The village hidden in the embers think that it is run by their closest ally, the village hidden in the stars.
2 of the experiments have gone missing. No one knows where they are or what they are up to.

Ninja clans

A family of ninja. They have one head family. The male is typically in change. Though if a female is the first born in some clans, then she will lead the clan till her offspring are ready to take over.

Some clans have a kekkei genkai chakra nature or visual powers. Clans like to keep their kekkei genkai to themselves or known to a few outside their respective ninja villages. The ninja academy doesn’t teach young ninja about the jutsu used by each kekkei genkai. Young ninja only know of their existence. It’s up to the clans to teach their children their hidden arts.

Feel free to make your own clan up

More information on the world

Reserve first please

Sign up thread

General RP and SG rules apply
If you want to comment on the story please either do it as a spoiler or hidden details or take it to the sign up thread.


The adventure begins (Chapter 1)

Seraph -

Today was the day that Seraph finally left the training center. The center adults called it the training center. It was more of a testing facility or Laboratory. Many of the rooms were filled with Stasis tubes. Basically large vats of strange glowing green liquid with a child floating inside of them. Some of the children looked similar to Seraph. Other rooms had children looking similar to one another. If this wasn’t her normal sights she probably would be freaked out. One of the doors in the facility was locked at all times. It had many of the kids including Seraph speculating what was behind there. The kids didn’t have any names until they decided to give themselves one. Seraph always loved the stars and just the thought of being free of the facility. Seraph noted on many occasions that all the adults had the same metal band on a light blue somewhere on their person with a giant snowflake engraved on it. The kids had a similar metal band but with a crescent moon carved into it, the metal band was attacked on a white fabric. Seraph has strawberry blond hair with violet eyes. Seraph hair was styled into a ponytail. The hair tie was a dark green colour. Seraph was wearing mesh armour underneath a sleeveless, purple dress with a purple blouse over it, a purple sash around her waist, hand warmers and leg guards. She also had bandages wrapped around her forearms and a shuriken pouch strapped to her right leg. She had standard issue ninja shoes in white. Basically a reinforced open toed shoe with ankle support. Seraph had her band tied around her waist.


Seraph was being led from her room to the testing area, by one of the adults. Seraph was unsure as to why she was being taken to the testing area, then again no kid has left the center before. Her best friends stood in the center in the room. They were tied up making it nearly impossible for them to move. “Renia,Oscar!” Seraph yelled out before trying to run to her friends only to be held back by the adult tha brought her to the room. This was a first for her and her friends. They always followed orders. They feared the punishment more than anything else. Seraph struggled for a second, before remembering what the punishment for disobedience is. Reina had straight brown hair, which was cut in a chin-length bob that framed her face, and brown eyes. She wore a long-sleeved black top and a light purple apron-skirt, under which she wore black shorts. She also wore the standard forehead protector along with a pair of sandals, red stockings that stopped at her thighs, and a small, red bracelet on her left wrist. Renia had her headband on her head or sometimes tied on her bicep on the left arm. Oscar had black eyes and short, spiky, black hair. He wore a long-sleeved blue uniform and a blue jacket with an orange collar and trimmings. The jacket was fastened to the rest of the outfit by two buttons on the collar. He also wore a white belt, shinobi sandals, the standard grey headband for the kids. His was worn on the head.

“Now that R-2105 is here, we can begin.” one of the adults taunted the trio. The adult standing near oscar threw something into the air. Seraph has been on edge lately since G-083 and T-826 went missing. It was widely known throughout the facility that Seraph would be leaving today. She was a bit worried that she too would disappear like G-083 and T-826. Her worry would have to wait, her friends need her to focus. This situation didn’t appear that she could have other things on her mind. The adults here have a mean streak. They like to make the kids go through difficult tasks or punishments just for fun.

What seraph didn’t know is she was being sent to the village hidden in the embers. She might even find a clue to what happened to the top 2 kids at this facility. Her loyalty and ability to follow orders was about to be tested. The staff couldn’t care less about the ‘failed’ experiment. They were all too happy when they vanished. It was like the top 2 didn’t even exist.

Reizei Yoriyoi -

The academy was very unassuming from the outside. It looked like your typical school building. That’s exactly what it’s founder wanted outsiders to think. What better place to hide your Ninja academy than a building that looked non-threatening. It worked really well. In the village hidden in the embers time, the village had been occupied twice by outsiders and none thought to check the school out. It was a really good thing for the Villagers since the lower levels doubled as a shelter during a crisis.

He was an academy student at the hidden scattered valley school preparing to become a fully fledged Ninja. All he had to do was pass the final test. He was ready for anything the instructors could throw at him. He hoped it wouldn’t need too much chakar since he had a lower limit than most of his classmates again this year. The graduation test would be his 4th attempt. His mother always offered him some comfort when he needed it. More so since the clan had started to ignore them. Reizei hoped he would finally pass the test and be able to become friends with someone.

Rezei knew there was something different about his chakra but he just couldn’t tell why he was bad at using any ninja skills. One of his instructors said he wasn’t focused enough. Focus wasn’t his issue; he thought it was his chakra limit. He always knew he had less than his classmates but that shouldn’t be the issue with graduating. He has seen ninja with even less chakra pass the final test so why couldn’t he.

What was he lacking?

[poll type=regular results=always public=true chartType=bar]
  • Teamwork
  • Awakened chakra nature. (needs an event to trigger his ice style)
  • Confidence
[/ [poll ]

Whatever it was He needed to come up with a solution and quickly the academy’s principal was coming out to address the graduating class.

Totsu Nanao -

She was looking forward to helping the academy instructors with the graduation test today. It’s been a good many years since she has been to the academy. She was the earliest ever graduate. Totsu was used to being alone but they didn’t stop her wanting to see if there were any good ninjas coming up from the academy. She even passed the chunin exams earlier than most of the ninja her age within the village hidden in the Embers. One student caught her eye. A guy who looked older than his classmates. Not but that much but it was a noticeable difference.

“Here we go,” Totsu thought to herself as the academy’s principal came to address his students.


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The poll doesn’t work, so I’ll answer here. He’s lacking Awakened chakra nature and confidence, but confidence more so.

closed by op’s request