Historical Fiction

Historical fiction is a genre of fiction where the story takes place in the past. The characters follow the social norms and speech patterns of that time period and will most likely be described wearing clothing from that period.

  • Have you ever read historical fiction?
  • If you have, what’s your favourite book from this genre?
  • If you haven’t, would you?



Love Historical Fiction, particularly The Bronze Horsemen.

Which reminds me, @unsungcheerio, did you find a copy. If still no, then would you like one?


I’ve read Woman in Black and another Susan Hill book that’s set in the past called Dolly :thinking: I don’t tend to read books set in the past simply for the fact they’re a little harder for me to get into but in terms of horror I quite like it. There’s many books I’ve read from the past but those weren’t historical fiction because when they were written the past was the present.

I’ve also read a book called “I, Coriander” by Sally Gardner, that’s historical fantasy and I really liked it

I really liked I, Coriander

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I mean I haven’t gone to the book store yet cause the restrictions don’t lift until Friday, so no, but yess would like


Hmm… well, if you can’t find it when you do get to then PM me ‘cause I may have an idea

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Oooh I’ll make sure to check it out this weekend then and I’ll let you know what’s up

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Sounds like a good plan.

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Yes, it was a country-wide famous book from Wattpad and I don’t know what got into me but I read it… it was romance and if you know me I don’t like that

Well I haven’t gotten into much historical books yet so can’t say

No. I’ve only read books that took place in the past but were also written in that time so they don’t count as Historical Fiction.

Maybe give it a try if I’m really interested but I’m not sure if I’d like them.

@Bookworms Do you have a favourite historical fiction book?

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Time for you to read The Bronze Horseman then.

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