Hogwarts is Here (Online Game)

Recently I came across a website that stimulates a little how the classes at Hogwarts are, like you can actually join classes and ‘learn’ things. It’s fun because the transfiguration lesson I tried actually felt like my high school physics class a little and it’s just kinda a fun way to spend your time, thinking about how the magic actually works.

I’ve made an account to try it out and I must say, people who are a fan of Harry Potter and are bored during this lockdown should totally check it out. Have you checked it out already?

  • No, I just heard about it and will have a look.
  • Nah, I’m not interested in it in general
  • Yes, I already checked it out!
0 voters

This game is lit and is the reason i started watching harry potter (only some movies tho)

Ooouuu this sounds cool!

Ooo this sounds interesting! I might check it out sometime.

Is this a roleplaying game? Has anyone played this game before? I’ve never heard of it before.


Never interested in Harry Potter because it’s not really my thing but I’ll check it out for sure

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