How are emotions useful for humans and the human race?

How are emotions useful for humans and the human race?

I can agree it puts a new perspective into this world, maybe the entire universe. The emotions we have created music, literature, relationships, the adventures so many people went on all because of a simple moment of feeling hopeful It makes world all the more better, I’d say, even as a more emotionless person myself.

What about you @Discussions?


I like to say no (because I’m an emotional wreck) but it is.

it’s needed so we can coop with situations and release stress.


I honestly think of emotions as more of a liability than an asset (no offense).

But from the POV of this topic, I think emotions make humans natural empaths. They help us to understand other people (and vice versa)

Creativity often comes when humans feel, when they explore their emotions. Actors, singers, artists etc all use emotions as a medium to ignite their creativity.

Emotions help humans towards critical approach.

Basically if we were to be a race free from emotions, we would just be robots with pre-programmed stuff inside us. But emotions make us unique.


Could you dumb this down for me? I’m pretty sure I agree but I can’t determine what you mean with the choice of words.

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Welp, in layman terms - assets are anything which provide profits (benefits) while liabilities give losses (drawbacks).

I don’t particularly like emotions because of how much of a “liability” they are for me (it could be a different case for others though).

Emotions tend to control my thoughts, actions and desires (if I let them get out of control) and can result in “undesired” circumstances. For example, when it’s that time of the month, my emotions are all over the place that they control me more than the rational part of me.

I hope this clears it up. I didn’t mean to offend anyone :eyes:


My thoughts put into words. :sparkles:

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@Discussions What do you think about this? How are emotions useful for humans?


Emotions? What are these thing you talk of?


That’s a crazy question tbh

Now I gotta think about it

Uhhh they help people feel emotions…?

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