Hi, I’m just here to ask how you are keeping up with your schoolwork, do you have classes online or do you have to do things yourself? I have lectures through Zoom but I never attend them live since my uni offers to watch it back later, besides that there are chats with the lectures and stuff, and we just work a lot in little groups so I’m doing fine. It must be hard for some people to keep up with all the work tho, like having questions that get ignored @hanna1 or just in general very poor communication. I just wanted to let you guys know in that case we do have the @HomeworkHelp tag and you can ask specific questions here: Homework Help Thread . Anyway, let’s discuss how we are all keeping up with the work we have to do in this pretty rough time!
I had a couple of assignments to do but I’ve done most of them. The main thing is that due to the nature of my qualification there are certain units and tasks I can’t do online. We are supposed to be using teams but we’re not, we’re just using email which is just far easier. I feel like teams over complicates things but I can see the appeal with the A level students.
I actually really enjoy it with online classes. I also do more work for school then I did before. But then again my education is application development Wich means that I always work from my laptop and stuff like that the only difference is that I don’t have to drive to school so yeah I absolutely love this
That’s annoying you can’t do certain things. My trip to Ireland I would have with uni is also cancelled so I’m curious how they are gonna fix that. I’ve learned that using Skype like we are supposed to do just takes extra time and you really have to plan it, while it’s easier to just communicate and work together in google docs for example.
Yeah it is annoying and that’s bad about your trip it’s a shame it got cancelled. Honestly though I’m such an independent worker that I don’t require much input from my teachers. So I’m more than happy for them to just send me the work instead of a whole video lecture
I’m homeschooled so i’m basically doing what i usually do when it comes to work. I have textbooks and worksheets from an online homeschooling website. I mainly set my self assignments. So like i’ll say to myself okay let’s do some work on chemistry
And then i’ll do some practise tests and so on.
I’m mostly getting ignored, so I have to google most things if I don’t understand them
I have one lecture through Zoom that I have to attend live and a lot of assignments. Luckily, most teachers just gives us their presentation slides and we can learn on our own. Some of them seem to forget that we’re having other classes as well
Honestly, I’m really struggling. I’ve been sleeping at 5am so I can’t wake up in time for any online sessions and I cannot concentrate on doing any work. No matter how hard I try, I just end up staring at my laptop screen for hours, type 3 words then call it a day.
I hate this.
My school gives me a bunch of work online. I cry when I see the amount of assignments I have to do.
The good thing about this is being able to use a variety of resources when planning my classes. We don’t have a smart screen or projector in our classrooms (except for the audiovisual room, but you have to make arrangements if you want to use it and it’s not always available) so it’s difficult to use technology as a teaching tool in class.
The downside of this is that I don’t get to see my students in person and interact with them. Plus, it’s harder to give feedback because I’m not monitoring their work; I’m just seeing the end result when they turn it in.
Aome of my teachers randomly assigned something that is due the next day and it annoys me because I take forever to motivate myself to even start doing the work but then I really do it and such a short time limit is really just stressing me and stopping me from doing my work…
Pretty bad actually. I left everything to the last week and I doubt that I’ll pass my exam or get an ok on my reports.
The days flies by when you’re home most of the time, at least for me. I’m pretty sure that I would have studied more if I had to go to school and listen to actual lectures.
Okay mostly, I set myself a goal to finish everything by a certain date and got it done
Now I just have to catch up on all my work from last week because I felt unmotivated to do anything that didn’t have a deadline
I can do things when they’re due, but actually doing work in advance is nearly impossible. I’m not falling behind, but the work has been a lot worse and I’ve been getting myself into large piles of stuff all at once due to a lack of planning.
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