How damaging to self esteem can media be?

I’m not really sure about any numbers related to this but I do know that many people say that certain media damaged their self esteem. This includes social media!

@ Health @ Discussions what do you guys think?


I don’t think social media damages my self esteem, at least not at this point in my life. But I do still feel a bit jealous when I see all those beautiful, skinny models on instagram that I know photoshop their photos and I can’t help but compare and wonder how long it would get me to get that kind of look or body… It’s not healthy but I wouldn’t say it damages me rn

I do know that’s one of the biggest problems actually and it can be quite damaging but these days I come across a lot of positive accounts which is nice

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We did a research under adolescents and from there most (80-95%) of the people asked between 14 - 18 say that they often feel intimidated or get low self-esteem from social media.

When we asked what mostly caused it 80% answered because they unintentionally start comparing themselves with what they see online.

70% also said they have received a bad comment on one or more posts and which had more effect than the 20 good comments the same post had.


People put themselves out there too much online (instagram, selfies, youtube vids…).

And while it attracts others that are similar to them or enjoy the same things, which is wonderful…it also attracts all kinds of trolls, even people who have good intentions and like the content, but feel that they must voice their nit-picky complaints about all the little things they don’t like about the content and how they would have changed it to better suit their tastes.

So, you have to understand that online, there is no filter. People can voice what they want as soon as it comes to their heads, without thinking it twice, almost EXACTLY like someone who is drunk can complain to you to your face about stupid things that don’t matter when they’re sober…like “my bar of soap is gone and I can’t find the package of new soaps…YOU must have stolen or misplaced them.” :woman_facepalming:t4: Went off on a tangent there. The point is that people online act like that, like there is nothing stopping them from accusing whoever the hell they want or voicing whatever opinions they have.

Therefore, if you treat all of social media as 75% drunk and 25% sober, you will start ignoring all the bad or nit-picky comments of people that think they know better just because they don’t like things exactly the same way that you posted them…and, instead, pay attention to your real target audience, those who like your posts as they are. Critiques that are actually helpful are given with kindness, examples, and encouragement.

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It depends on the person.

I guess it depends on the person. 'Cause fashion magazines did this long before social media.

Fashion magazines are a form of media! I wasn’t just referring to social media, just stating I was including social media in my definition :blush:

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Ooooh… whoops. My bad. I was reading a bit on the thread and just took this as just meaning social media. Sorry.

Just saw thid and thought it fitted the topic. It’s insane how toxic Twitter is


OMG! Really?

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have you seen twitter, it’s terrible. I only read the comments there when I am in the mood to enjoy people hating so badly on each other.

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Yeah, it can be horrendous. Though it also depends on who you follow and which hashtags you use.

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oh no, I only watch the news and a dutch comedian and people are just terrible whenever it’s good news or bad :joy:

a refugee said he wanted people to understand his pov and all I told him was not to bother because people on there are VERY clear what they think and aren’t afraid to show. I told him he had bee through enough and shouldn’t do that to himself. (which frankly for me, was pretty harsh) and he told me he was surprised there are still kind people around :rofl:

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Hmm… that’s interesting.

Yeah, nah, I don’t agree with people attempting to share stories and life on social media unless they’re ready for backlash and hate.

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