How did you and your true love meet?

So since the weekly theme is love, here is where you can discuss where you and your true love or if you wanna call it just your love (depends on your beliefs) met.

How did you and your significant other (if you have one) meet?


@Discussions ? :thinking:


In heaven

It’s pretty cliché -we’re childhood friends :3


blerg ew. love
I shall remain antisocial and lonely for the rest of my life and that is final


Lol I’m forever single xD

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I thought we met in gym. We dated for a year. I was so angry after the breakup, but I’m over it. He was a sweetheart.

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I am yet to meet my “true love”. I still don’t know when and I definitely don’t know how.

Sure, I “loved” my ex but I don’t think my feelings for him were “true love”. It already ended before it could’ve been like that.

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well idk if I can call him my true love cause we broke up yesterday :cry: but I think I did love him. We met at a local pool and it all went really clichely (dk if that’s a word lol) but we had an open relationship and ig I just couldn’t deal with it anymore

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not anytime soon


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I met my boyfriend through an old mutual friend.

I’m never dating again.

My salted caramel truffles? I met them at Aldi :sunglasses:
Jk jk
I don’t currently have romantic love but I also class true friendships as true love in which case, online here and also from my college

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except when it comes to me :wink:

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You know what, I can accept this fate

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I define true love as just someone who loves you back which could be any number of people but if we’re going along the significant other route, I met him on here.

@Discussions share da love

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