How did you come up with your username?

Lol I was just about to make this thread :joy:
But yah, as stated on the other thread my username was made 3 years ago nearing Halloween where people would go on the app and add Spooky to their author names. I did that too but since then, since my memory is :sparkles: t r a s h :sparkles: I kept forgetting to change it back, soo now I like it :nerd_face:

Anddd bump!


I wanted something unique and then I was throwing name ideas at Reviver, and I was like
hmm unsung hero
and then I was like but I want ‘Ch’ because that’s what my name starts with
and then I was like
unsung cheero
unsung cheerio

and here we are :sunglasses:


I have no idea how~
It just happened, yes

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hehe yes I help sm not really sm tho


it’s the first 3 letters of my surname :eyes:

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help sm yes




ravioli x vualah

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I like croissants and I’m always confused about stuff (delirium) therefore DeliriumCroissant

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I was cooking one day, and for some unknown reason, the word ‘melon’ just popped into my head, so I was like… ‘Why melon? For melon collie (melancholy) or Post Melon (Malone)?’
And then, I thought: That would be a great username, because I had been feeling very melancholic for a few months, so much that I even stopped listening to music. And the first song I listened to when I didn’t feel so melancholic was the new cover song by Post Malone (I Only Wanna Be With You). And ever since I started feeling better, I’ve been listening to a lot more of his songs.
So, it’s kind of a word play, but with a lot of meaning behind it.

I googled ‘aesthetic english words’ lmao

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