How Did You Learn How to Draw?

Everyone learns or grows their artstyle from many different ways and reasons. How did you develop yours? Did you go to an art class or do you consider yourself self-taught? What do you consider a self-taught artist? Are you happy with the way your art is now? What do you think you can improve on?


I didn’t
I wish I could draw tho


In technicality, everyone can draw. It’s just practice. :eyes:


I always do art in school and I draw in my sketch book, I just draw anything I feel I can’t express into words. I’d say I’m pretty decent but I’m still learning to get better.

My dad paid for art lessons online that teaches me every step on how to draw


I learnt how to draw by myself, but I remember taking art classes when I was younger. Most of my knowledge comes from sharing art online and observing others’ drawings.


I had art classes for traditional art when I was younger (and I still had them until corona ruined everything :crying_cat_face:) but I taught myself how to do digital art because I was bored :eyes::sparkles:


I had art classes for like, a year or something, but I left. I learn digital art after I started seeing other people’s art pieces on the EF and wanted to try it out too.

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I started off by drawing—you can guess—stickmen. These stickmen usually are princesses or ones with wedding dresses, with a story behind it too xD

Then I saw my sister drawing something like this so I copied her lol

I then started watching anime, drew their style, I improved my own art skills and later watched semi-realistic tutorials and searched for references to improve it. I started digital drawing on my phone but it’s too small and I just have no clue how to do it with such a small screen and a big thumb lol

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I started out by drawing just traditional art, then last year i got into digital because i saw a lot of cool paintings online.
I did go, and finish art school- but it was more of like crafts and still life, we only drew people occasionally and some faces in the last year! So idk what I consider myself :ok_hand:t3::exploding_head::crazy_face:

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Episode edits were the first time I tried drawing (though it wasn’t really drawing because I just traced the characters and redrew them etc. :rofl:). I never really considered myself an “art person” until then. I started doing digital art and occasionally some traditional art

I consider myself “self-taught” because I never really took any official classes. I usually just looked at youtube videos and took inspiration from some artists on Instagram

At first I drew mostly anime, because, like any 8yo, i thought the artstyle was cute, then I moved onto realism and „formed my own artstyle”

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Self taught

I just do my own thing and look up online videos to help me

I’m pretty bad at art soooo

Learning from how others draw helped me a lot, just show me a 2 min shading video and after a few watches I’ll probably get the hang of it :rofl::rofl:

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